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Aug. 30th, 2010


As none of you seem to be reaching this conclusion yourselves, allow me to fill you in.

There is no exit.

You're not getting out.

So stop fussing and start adapting. We're big kids, after all.


I must admit, I find myself intrigued by this little development.

I'm curious to see what happens next.


Well well. We are audacious, aren’t we? I’ve been called more names than most, dear, but ‘anomaly’ is certainly… different.

Impressive as the craftsmanship of wherever this might be is, though, I’m forced to conclude that you’re either a madman or a fool. Has word not spread as to what happens to those who dare presume they can trap one of the Endless?


Well, this is certainly interesting.

And I hardly mean that in the positive sense.


I'm just gonna say right now, you made a really big mistake.

My father is not gonna be happy about this. Not at all.

And that's if I don't get hold of you first.

Trust me, you don't want me getting hold of you.


Whatever this place is, it doesn't bear Moriarty's mark, at least. If it did, we would have all blown up by now.


This is the first time I've ever heard of a kidnapee being the one to get a note about it. I'm not exactly a criminal mastermind over here but... isn't that supposed to go to their family or authorities or wherever it is kidnappers send these sorts of things?

Oh! And if whoever is responsible is reading this, mind telling me how you managed to trap me here? I don't want to be little miss toots my own horn over here but that's kinda impressive.


Well, I'm certainly not in Mount Pleasant anymore. When anyone finds a way to get out of here, please let me know, I have some pressing matters to attend to at home.


If whoever brought me here is reading this -

Alright, how'd you do it? Transmat? Spatio-temporal hyperlink? Some sort of pandimensional time-scoop? I know I didn't land here through a crack, this dimension's sewn up so tight a gnat couldn't find one big enough. Which means I can't get back out, which means all of

I'm ready for the man behind the curtain to step out now. Come on, don't you want to boast?


...Whatever did you do to the buildings, son dear boy? Looks like my original idea for Manchester.

I think this might be a joke slightly too far.

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