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Jan. 5th, 2011


[Private to Eliott Spencer]

You still alive, Sexy?

Jan. 3rd, 2011


[Filtered against the rest of the B-Team]
Right kids, here's the deal.

Far as I understand it, Jo Junior and Sam the Psycho Younger did what they did to try and get me back after the Powers That Be kicked me out that time. So if you've got issues with them you can take them out on me. I'll be the jerk with the '67 Chevy. No holds barred, just don't hurt Baby the car, okay? There's angry and there's just being a douche.

You go after either of them, though, and we'll have a problem. Fair warning.

[Angel!Michael, Kid!Adam, Gabriel, 'Lily', anyone else who's offered healing over the comms]
I get that they're not exactly top of anyone's Christmas list right now, but Jo won't wake up's in a bad way and Sam... I don't friggin' know, he won't let anyone near him. Anyway. Does that offer of healing extend this way?

Jan. 2nd, 2011


Somebody's got to do it.

Greetings, displaced citizens. I didn't take the time to grab my PDA when I was getting the hell out of Dodge finding my pants was difficult enough. And making sure my...Buffy got out too... but as soon as I settled in one place for more than five seconds, it just sort of showed up. I'm guessing everyone's got their PDAs back. At least, I hope everyone's got them.

This is a role call. Because we need to know who's here and who's missing, and who didn't make it. Take a moment, please, and reply here, so your friends and loved ones can find you? Just leave your name, and where you are if you want to drop that info. That way we can figure out who's missing, and maybe try to find them.

[Edited To Add]: Seems a lot of people are heading to the church. Might be a good place for people to meet up.

Dec. 23rd, 2010


This is some weird ass shit, and I've seen some weird ass shit before.

What's all this we're not allowed to leave bullshit? I had important shit to do. Like eat, I'm fucking hungry.

So where the hell am I?

Dec. 15th, 2010


So. Memories are back, and I'm still running into dead ends. At least they haven't dragged in any more bodies, though that doesn't always mean squat. God knows how many people go missing unreported in a city this size. Just the facts, people.

Hey there, Big Sexy. It's nice to know who you are again. Even if everybody does remember us as the couple that got hosed down for public lewdness in the stable. Win some, lose some, eh?

Dec. 3rd, 2010


Idea to fix name situations? Name tags. 

Hell, make up a name if you have to.

Nov. 29th, 2010


I'm starting to worry about myself. Just walking past a phone booth shouldn't make me feel so horribly alone, should it? I mean, it's just a phone booth, no one has big, horrible, traumatically life-changing moments while using a public phone, do they?

But I still feel like something's missing, something more than my memories. Like there's a, a, a gap in my mind that I can't fill, like only half of me's here, and I can't work out why.

Nov. 22nd, 2010


Okay, so while crazy-pants down there has his hissy fit let's get something straight. I did not kidnap him or anyone else. I woke up with no idea who I was and him looming over me and yelling. His brother is coming to get him and I don't plan on...doing whatever the hell he imagines I might do to him. So, there's that. Now can we move on to the important stuff?

1) Is there anyone out there who does know who they are?
2) Does everyone else have a twin?
3) Is everyone else armed?
4) Anyone in a bad situation and need help?
ETA: 5)Any kids who haven't been able to find their parents, parents who haven't been able to find their kids, or anyone who would want to take charge of some temporary orphans? I may not know anything about myself but I don't think I'm a good babysitter.

Nov. 16th, 2010


Thomas Raith )

Eliot Spencer )

Tenth Doctor )

Becky )


Strange city I can't leave? Okay. I'll deal.

New job I never asked for? Again, fine. I can make due.

Becoming a glorified babysitter to a bunch of fully trained police officials because their hormones are stronger than their common sense? So not cool. Definitely did not sign up for it and do not want to deal with it. Somebody figure out what's causing this and fix it already, please.

This crap keeps up and I'm going to resign and just mooch off you for the rest of, well, forever, Zoe.

Nov. 10th, 2010


Merlin!! Is this place always so pathetically dull?!?! I'm going out of my mind over here! There's only so much one man can drink.

Nov. 8th, 2010


hdfa whatinthename DOES HELLOSHit!! Merlin Oh
DO you have AANy idea who
Filthy muggle piece of shi Someone's going to be hexed until they have their balls in their eye sockets.

Where am I? Whoever you are, do you have any idea how much crap you'll be in when people notice I'm missing? My Father

Nov. 1st, 2010


A murder? Seriously? And just when I was starting to like this place.

( Claire )
What do you say? Want to be plucky girl detectives?

( Gabriel )
So, I've been meaning to ask, do you want to maybe go out and do something now that we're not married to people?

You can redeem your coupon, if you want.


[Detective Sergeant Murphy]
This John Doe of yours, how old is he? Because I'm missing a student in one of my classes, and the thing I've noticed about locals is, they don't get sick and they don't skive off.

Do you want me to come down and see if I can identify him?

Oct. 31st, 2010


Well. It looks like I'll be launching the Papillon City Spook Squad's first official homicide investigation. Just in time for Halloween.


Anyone with information...yadda yadda...you know where to find me.

Oct. 21st, 2010


Boy howdy am I glad to be married to the right British person again! Not that I was really married to a person at all but it was close enough and I'm not the sort to judge anyway and did anyone else notice that this lasted just long enough for most of us to quit complaining?

Filtered to Wes )

Filtered to Dawn )

Oct. 19th, 2010


Well. Third marriage was even shorter than the first--but I will say it was probably the least stressful of them all. Go figure.

God, I need to get laid.
I kept expecting the pet skull to ogle me every morning, but no.

Eliot & Thomas--could I interest either of you in some apple pie?

Oct. 12th, 2010


I feel so domesticated. But, you know. A girl's got to eat, and it's actually easier to cook for two.

Oct. 5th, 2010


Dr. Watson, if it's all the same to you, I have some appointments tomorrow that I'd prefer not to miss.

Eliot, you don't mind if my, uh, husband tags along, do you?


Er... what the fuck?

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