April 2011



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Jan. 6th, 2011


Well, that's just great. Apartment 605, they tell me. I get here only to find there is no apartment 605, because the whole freaking building has mysteriously burned to the ground?

Good thing I work at a hotel. Who wants to crash at my place?


[ooc: Hey, so this was meant to go up during the Great IJ Outage, at some point taking place immediately after this - say about a half hour later, or so. So, backdated commpost is backdated!
Additionally, we're assuming Jo2 was unable to be healed via angelpowerz, although she will eventually wake up on her own, since Caitlin is still playing her, obviously, so that's what's going on here. Mikey is still fine, just doesn't realize it.]

This place seems to have a negative effect on me.

[Filtered to all angels/angeltypes]

I was unable to do a simple healing, is
Have any of you noticed any... difficulties in
My powers are
I do not understand.

There appears to be something preventing me from using my healing abilities, at present. I feel no different, however in attempting to aid the younger of the Harvelle girls, I was... unable to. She would not awaken.

Is anyone experiencing anything similar as of recently?

Jan. 3rd, 2011


[Filtered against the rest of the B-Team]
Right kids, here's the deal.

Far as I understand it, Jo Junior and Sam the Psycho Younger did what they did to try and get me back after the Powers That Be kicked me out that time. So if you've got issues with them you can take them out on me. I'll be the jerk with the '67 Chevy. No holds barred, just don't hurt Baby the car, okay? There's angry and there's just being a douche.

You go after either of them, though, and we'll have a problem. Fair warning.

[Angel!Michael, Kid!Adam, Gabriel, 'Lily', anyone else who's offered healing over the comms]
I get that they're not exactly top of anyone's Christmas list right now, but Jo won't wake up's in a bad way and Sam... I don't friggin' know, he won't let anyone near him. Anyway. Does that offer of healing extend this way?

Jan. 2nd, 2011


I guess it's too late to take back what I said before.

Did you make it out okay?

Jan. 1st, 2011


I've found Jenny...so you can stop looking.

Oh, Jenny Why did you have to be so brave

Ten )


If anyone requires healing, please do not hesitate to ask.
I suppose my vacation is over



It wasn't enough you had to go and burn down all those animals homes? Now you had to go and burn ours too?

The lady who was helping me get out hasn't come out yet. I'm worried bout her and I hope she's okay.

She gave me a weird buzzy metal stick, but I don't know what to do with it. She called it a screwdriver, but I can't see a way for it to drive any screw.

She said she'd be right behind me. But she's not.

My arm really hurts. A lot. And I want my mum.

Dec. 30th, 2010


I am beginning to believe this place is far less pleasant than I had hoped it would be.

This mindless destruction had best not continue. I realize it is not my place to dictate the actions of anyone here - however, if it falls under keeping the general population safe I will not hesitate to interfere.


Well, there goes whatever lingering goodwill I had towards our hosts. Playing with timelines is just bad form.

Anyway. The first person to point me in the direction of one P. E. Moonchild will have the undying thanks of one of the Endless, and possibly some form of cake if the bakery's still standing. Any takers?

[ETA: Crowley & Aziraphale]
You, of course, already have it, dear boys. Thank you so very, very much for looking after Pepper while I was indisposed.

Dec. 29th, 2010


To the people who burned down the forest whose names I know but won't say cos it's not my place:

What would Navi say if she was here right now? I tell you what she'd say! She'd say that you all ought to be ashamed of yourselves and she'd be right, too! You can't just go running around burning stuff down! What if those trees are the only way this place gets air for most everybody here to breathe, huh? And what about all the stuff that needs that forest to live? Did any of you think even a little bit about them? Those trees and animals and plants and stuff didn't do nothing to you!

Now. I've got a question and I hope that one of you dumb grown-ups can be bothered to answer it cos otherwise I might just answer it myself and none of you want that right now.

Which one of you wants to let my dragon move in with you? Seems only fair since you burnt down his house and all.

Dec. 16th, 2010


I am exhausted, must I have another complication to sort out before I rest?
I do not understand. This should not be possible.

It is clearly a mistake on my own part for intruding here. I assure you, it was unintentional. I would appreciate if someone would remove whatever barrier is preventing me from leaving, so that I may be on my way.

Dec. 11th, 2010


A dragon certainly makes an interesting pet.

Adam, dear boy, do you think we might arrange for the beast to eat your father's coat?

Dec. 5th, 2010


Let's get one thing straight. I do not comply.



Course, it could've been worse, but it's still just not right. And what am I gonna do with a dragon, anyway?

Filtered to Pepper )

Nov. 28th, 2010


The lady who was in the flat with me is gone. I don't know why, but that makes me sad.

I think she might have been my mum.

Nov. 23rd, 2010


There. That's better. I think I finally remembered--or finally figured out--how to tune you all out.  Your minds are really loud, you know that? Especially when that dragon showed up. I haven't seen one of those in...I don't know how long.

How close are we to figuring out what's going on here?

Nov. 22nd, 2010



I didn't mean to do it! Honest! I don't even know how I did it! One minute I was just reading a book and then I thought "I bet that'd be fun" and then it was here in my room and now it's gone out the window!!!

[ooc: so. yes. adam can manipulate reality. he doesn't know this. thanks to a book he's been reading, there is now a dragon flying around the city. (to be fair, it won't eat anyone) XD]


It just ain't right, taking a kid. It's even worse, taking a kid then making him forget who he even is.

Nov. 20th, 2010


This some kind of twisted psych experiment? Screw that. Screw you all. I don't want anything to do with it.

Nov. 19th, 2010


I know my name now! I had hidden it away, but now it's back.

Hello, pleased to meet you all, I'm Daniel Eames.

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