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Dec. 25th, 2010


Filtered to her Remus and Severus )

Filtered to Sirius and James )

Dec. 5th, 2010




hello? can anyone read this?

Nov. 22nd, 2010


Okay...I could use some help.

I don't remember...well...anything, I seem to be locked in a room in what appears to be a bookshop....and I could really use some trousers. Or any clothes really.

Mine seem to have vanished.

Nov. 4th, 2010


Apparently, according to a certain meddlesome Ravenclaw, it is considered polite to inform you all once in a while that I do still, in fact, exist. Why any of you would particularly care about such a thing is, of course, beyond me.

Filtered to Remus )

Oct. 25th, 2010


I think I'd be good with sleeping for a week. Hopefully this place holds off the insanity that long.

( Sev )
Thanks for the potion.

So...we should probably talk about things.

Not that I particularly want to, but I don't want you making that face you make when I don't tell you something important for a few years.

Oct. 19th, 2010


Just went for a long ass run by myself along the edges of town. Key words by myself. At last. Christ.

No offense Snape, I'm pretty sure we had a friendly divorce even if it (and our marriage) happened in our sleep but I'm also pretty sure you're not going to miss me sharpening my knives while you try to read any more than I'm going to miss the smell of whatever the hell it was you were brewing in that pot. Seriously, was that one of those potion things or tea? They smell exactly the same.

Everyone about as single as before or married to the right people again?

Oct. 3rd, 2010


So, let me guess, we all woke up forcibly married this morning? Thanks and all but I already have a boyfriend. Back home. Where I would still like to be sent, thanks. Fucker.

Mom, Dad, Senior, Sams, Dean,
You guys okay? Not married to any demons or the devil or anything?


Oh my god

What the bloody hell happened last night?

Oct. 1st, 2010


how does this thing work/ how can i make the letters capi REALLY, IT SHOULD NOT BE THAT DIFFICULT TO The next time you wish to abduct someone and place them in a wholly foreign environment, also leave with them instructions on how to operate the devices at their disposal. When you don't, it makes it even more difficult to believe any of the absurd niceties contained within your note and makes you instead seem like a mindless prat with far more power than common sense.