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Oct. 4th, 2010


Is there some kind of magic spell out there that can temporarily turn me into a straight woman? Maybe it would make this easier.

Sep. 23rd, 2010


Destruction. )

Sep. 16th, 2010


Teaching these locals is like... I had a metaphor, but I don't think it really adequately describes how horrible it is.

Is anyone interested in college-level archaeology? Please, please, come into my class. I would like to have students with some signs of life.

Sep. 4th, 2010


Since it seems increasingly unlikely that we'll be going anywhere in the near future, I find myself wondering what there is to do here. Any suggestions would be most welcome.

Are you well daughter?

[A. J. Crowley esq & Aziraphale]
I trust you're both still well? I haven't yet had occassion to visit your bar, Crowley, but it is on the To Do List. Perhaps we could arrange to dine sometime soon - you and Adam, myself and Pepper? I would offer to cook but that... would not end well.

I assume you've been unable to make any progress with regards to getting us out? I neglected to say before, but should you require assistance, dear boy, you have but to ask.

Aug. 30th, 2010


Well well. We are audacious, aren’t we? I’ve been called more names than most, dear, but ‘anomaly’ is certainly… different.

Impressive as the craftsmanship of wherever this might be is, though, I’m forced to conclude that you’re either a madman or a fool. Has word not spread as to what happens to those who dare presume they can trap one of the Endless?


No, look, okay, I can handle kidnapping. And I've been called worse than 'anomaly'.

But this - this is going way too far. How did it even get out of

I'm not kidding. I don't know who arranged this, but it has to be put back right now.