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Oct. 21st, 2010


Boy howdy am I glad to be married to the right British person again! Not that I was really married to a person at all but it was close enough and I'm not the sort to judge anyway and did anyone else notice that this lasted just long enough for most of us to quit complaining?

Filtered to Wes )

Filtered to Dawn )

Oct. 19th, 2010


It's about time. I hope nothing like that happens again, least not soon, but I'm not so sure about that just yet.

Filtered to Cas Novak )

Filtered to Willow Rosenberg )

Filtered to Aziraphale and Crowley )

Oct. 3rd, 2010


Hey! Whoa! Whoa! Wrong British guy, persons-or-potentially-just-entities-responsible-for-this.

You can't randomly marry an already married woman to someone else just for kicks because, hey, polygamy is pretty much illegal everywhere and even if it weren't, it's still wrong and I don't like it and I want to go back to my British guy now please and thankyouverymuch.

Oct. 2nd, 2010


This is so cool.

Except not.


Okay...what the hell?

Is this some kind of new, really crappy prize for saving the world that nobody told me about? Because it's sorta made of fail.


Anyone lose a Yorkie? Pink bows on each ear. She's following me and can't seem to shake her.


I have watched the videos embedded on my communication device. I do not know what to make of it. I can not decide if I want to laugh or destroy the frakking device.

Sep. 22nd, 2010


So call me curious.

Who here has others here who are from their reality? And out of those, who has others here who are from the same reality that you're from? And so I'm not excluding anyone else, if you don't have anybody here that you know from back home, mind speaking up too?

I figure it can't hurt to get a headcount.

Sep. 20th, 2010


I haven't seen this much rain since I left England.

( Willow )
Should we perhaps start building a boat?

Sep. 2nd, 2010


Filtered to Willow & Wes

Can we do some spells to try and get home?


Yeah, really not impressed with that video. The one of my "other" life, built in to my PDA.

Harry, it's a good thing we got out when we did, if this video is any indication.

Aug. 31st, 2010


Filtered to Willow


Aug. 30th, 2010


Whatever this place is, it doesn't bear Moriarty's mark, at least. If it did, we would have all blown up by now.


This is the first time I've ever heard of a kidnapee being the one to get a note about it. I'm not exactly a criminal mastermind over here but... isn't that supposed to go to their family or authorities or wherever it is kidnappers send these sorts of things?

Oh! And if whoever is responsible is reading this, mind telling me how you managed to trap me here? I don't want to be little miss toots my own horn over here but that's kinda impressive.