April 2011



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Oct. 20th, 2010


Well, this is certainly a relief.

Oct. 11th, 2010


Once again, I'm up to my elbows in flour and have made a surplus batch of cookies that I won't be needing for the bakery. Chocolate chip, macadamia, sugar, peanut butter, all ready to go. Feel free to stop by if you want some. Of course, Mr. Holmes, you're welcome to have first pick.

Bree )

Oct. 3rd, 2010


Hey! Whoa! Whoa! Wrong British guy, persons-or-potentially-just-entities-responsible-for-this.

You can't randomly marry an already married woman to someone else just for kicks because, hey, polygamy is pretty much illegal everywhere and even if it weren't, it's still wrong and I don't like it and I want to go back to my British guy now please and thankyouverymuch.


Bree )


Why am I not in my room? And who is this person in here with me? John. Is this a joke? It isn't funny, if it is!

Sep. 24th, 2010


Katherine Davis. )

Sep. 17th, 2010


If anyone's in the mood for pie, feel free to come by the bakery. I have apple, blueberry, custard, and lemon meringue all ready to go.

Sep. 7th, 2010


Whoever is behind all this has really taken it a step too far with these alternate life videos. I've never seen anything so absurd!

That's it, Katherine, focus on the general insanity of it all. Don't think about what it showed happening to Dylan. Oh, God.

Sep. 1st, 2010


Looks like I'm supposed to be managing the bakery. As far as forced employment goes, this shouldn't be too particularly painful. Even if I haven't had to work since I got married.

Aug. 30th, 2010


Well, this is certainly interesting.

And I hardly mean that in the positive sense.


Well, I'm certainly not in Mount Pleasant anymore. When anyone finds a way to get out of here, please let me know, I have some pressing matters to attend to at home.