April 2011



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Dec. 12th, 2010


Alright, dad, you've been sitting inside long enough. Time to get outside and get some fresh air spend some time with me see if you still remember how to shoot a gun.

Dec. 5th, 2010


Nov. 19th, 2010


Is it okay if we talk?

Nov. 13th, 2010


Looks to be a beautiful day outside.

Ellen Harvelle )

Joanna Beth Harvelle, both of them] )


I spent all day yesterday looking at myself in the mirror. I haven't been so young in a very long time. It's very strange. Although I like not being so old. I went walking this morning, and don't ache all over now.

I think I like this.

I'm going to have tea now.

Nov. 5th, 2010


All these folks coming and going is making me wonder if whoever in the hell is in charge is just looking for a certain type and not everbody's making the cut or if they're just yanking the rug out from under us so we don't forget who's wearing the pants around here.

Oct. 19th, 2010


...I never thought a cheeseburger could taste so good.

You, me, a bed somewhere?

[Dr C Vadira]
Thanks for your help....I'm me again.

[Mom & Dad]
I'm back to normal human again.

Oct. 15th, 2010


Oct. 11th, 2010


[Ellen, Bill, Junior, Sams, Dean]
I'm okay and I haven't lost control and killed anyone yet, so please stop thinking that I have.

...Do you want to talk about it?

Are you okay?

You're making me want pie with blo.

Are you okay?

Oct. 4th, 2010


filtered from Jo

As you might have noticed, Miss Harvelle is a vampire now. No, I didn't do it. Yes, I will take care of her.

She can't survive on animal blood. I would appreciate it if someone could find some kind of blood source for her, since I can't leave this apartment. Donations are accepted. She's barricaded herself in the bathroom, so if you have any well-wishes, by all means, let me know and I will shout them through the door.

Oct. 3rd, 2010


I think it's safe to say the other shoe in this place has finally dropped. And while I don't think I'm alone in this, I have to say, I don't find it the least bit damn funny.


Oh fuck me!

Oct. 2nd, 2010


Anyone lose a Yorkie? Pink bows on each ear. She's following me and can't seem to shake her.

Oct. 1st, 2010


Meaningless, says the teacher, meaningless. There is nothing new under the sun.

Or the moon, either.

The constructs that pass for people here...what goes on in their subconscious hardly even counts as dreaming. There's not even any passion in the so-called drama club.

I should have known, if you want something done right, do it yourself!

Sep. 21st, 2010


Bloody hell.