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Oct. 19th, 2010


It finally followed me home.

I think I'll call her Legion.


I suppose I should have mentioned this sooner.

Oct. 18th, 2010



This is going to be a horrible, horrible week.

Look, hubby, I have to eat. The regular food — while a nice sudden change of pace — ain't cuttin' it. Since I can't go anywhere without you, when do you want to go?

Sep. 11th, 2010


I've just been informed that tomorrow is my first day of work.

At the church.

Clearly, God hates me.


Two years I've known this day was going to come. I made the deal, and I don't regret it. I had two years with Dean I wouldn't have had otherwise. And Dean's alive, and that's what matters. I'd do it all over again, for him, to save him.

But now that it's time, and I've got less than 14 hours left, I'm scared. I don't want to die. I don't want to go to hell. The hounds are going to come get me. I could have stopped them. I should have killed Lilith. Why didn't I kill her?

My life isn't worth more than the world. I'm only one person. I'm not even anyone special. I'm just me, just Sam. Killing Lilith would have broken my contract, but it would have doomed everyone else. I couldn't do that, I couldn't doom the world for just a few more days with my brother.

I don't even know if the debt can be collected here. Dean seems to think maybe not. If Lilith was here, if she had any control here, she would have showed herself, by now. Unless coming after me to collect on my contract is her big reveal. I desperately want to believe she has no pull here, that she can't reach me here. I guess we'll find out at midnight.

Today feels like both the longest and the shortest day of my life.

Sep. 10th, 2010


I stepped on a cat in an alleyway. Gave her a piece of the 'hotdog' I bought earlier. Now she won't stop following me around.

I'm beginning to wonder if stalking the Devil reflects on the nature of cats.


I don't like all that stuff about back home. Way I see it, it's not any better than what happened where I'm from. Way I see it, if I was meant to know about how some other me did things, I'd already know and wouldn't have to watch some dumb old film 'bout it.

Seems to me whoever runs this place must be awfully bored, if it has to mess folks about just by showing them things they shouldn't be seeing to start with.

Sep. 7th, 2010


Am I... dead? Hello? Other people out there, are you alive or dead? Is this Hell or something?

Sep. 5th, 2010


Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.