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Oct. 26th, 2010


the stars dont look the same here, do they? i think they dont, i think theyre too bright, too sharp and theyre just wrong but they're reallyreally bright and the dark is darker than it should be and it's not right at all and i want to go home.

Oct. 24th, 2010



All of them have returned. Nearly everyone who disappeared at the same time he did has been restored to Papillon. Even if Lucifer does not remember

Do you... think they will bring... him back as well?

Oct. 20th, 2010


I got it! Got a message this morning saying that a slot has opened up for me to teach self-defense classes at the dojo. I'll have to work hard, because I have also enrolled in some classes at the university!

I will miss having milkshakes with you, Castiel.

Oct. 5th, 2010


Er... what the fuck?

Oct. 4th, 2010


filtered from Jo

As you might have noticed, Miss Harvelle is a vampire now. No, I didn't do it. Yes, I will take care of her.

She can't survive on animal blood. I would appreciate it if someone could find some kind of blood source for her, since I can't leave this apartment. Donations are accepted. She's barricaded herself in the bathroom, so if you have any well-wishes, by all means, let me know and I will shout them through the door.


Backdated as if Singe hadn't missed the kickoff...


[B-Team Filter]
How drunk was I last night?


....Oh god.

(ooc: For those who haven't heard yet, Jo's punishment for trying to kill her wife yesterday is that today she wakes up as a vampire...and spends the rest of her marriage like that!)


Uhm, not what I had in mind for this morning.


I did nothing.

Oct. 3rd, 2010


Well, at least things seem interesting here. Do you have any idea how loud you all are?

Sep. 20th, 2010


He's gone.

Sep. 19th, 2010


That note was about as helpful as a blind man judging a beauty pageant and I really don't take kindly to being kidnapped just because some sort of power has an issue with how I'm living my life.

Now. Somebody want to make themselves useful and start explaining a few things? Namely where I am, how I got here, and how in the hell I get back home. Anything else you want to toss in would be mightily appreciated, too.

Sep. 17th, 2010


If anyone's in the mood for pie, feel free to come by the bakery. I have apple, blueberry, custard, and lemon meringue all ready to go.

Sep. 13th, 2010


Summer's almost gone, and maybe now isn't the right time to do this, but I'm going to start a garden. I talked to one of the creepy locals someone at the lawn and garden shop in town, and I guess some vegetables do really well in the winter. So I'm going to try my hand at it.

I've never lived anywhere long enough to have a garden planted a garden before, so I'm kind of looking at it as an experiment. We'll see how it goes. Hopefully it'll be a success and we can all enjoy some fresh, homegrown veggies in a couple months.

Sep. 12th, 2010


[Dean 1]

I... understand now.

Sep. 11th, 2010


Two years I've known this day was going to come. I made the deal, and I don't regret it. I had two years with Dean I wouldn't have had otherwise. And Dean's alive, and that's what matters. I'd do it all over again, for him, to save him.

But now that it's time, and I've got less than 14 hours left, I'm scared. I don't want to die. I don't want to go to hell. The hounds are going to come get me. I could have stopped them. I should have killed Lilith. Why didn't I kill her?

My life isn't worth more than the world. I'm only one person. I'm not even anyone special. I'm just me, just Sam. Killing Lilith would have broken my contract, but it would have doomed everyone else. I couldn't do that, I couldn't doom the world for just a few more days with my brother.

I don't even know if the debt can be collected here. Dean seems to think maybe not. If Lilith was here, if she had any control here, she would have showed herself, by now. Unless coming after me to collect on my contract is her big reveal. I desperately want to believe she has no pull here, that she can't reach me here. I guess we'll find out at midnight.

Today feels like both the longest and the shortest day of my life.



Anna, I would like to see you under slightly less... stressful circumstances.

Would you come with me to the cafe? I have developed a taste for coffee and I would like to talk to you.


It's kind of ironic I get more television channels in this place than I do 'back home', isn't it? I don't even know what half this shit is.

I know, I know. And this isn't going to turn into a habit or anything, but I just...

I need to know. About Sam's deal. Please. She can't collect here, can she?

I'm going out tomorrow. Sam's. Spending the day with Sam. But I was thinking- dinner again, Sunday? Just the two of us this time.

Sep. 7th, 2010


Hi, my name is Melinda and I'm wondering if anyone knows what all this is about. If you have any information, I would really, really appreciate it. Thank you.

Sep. 6th, 2010


I've an awful headache

I am to meet with Michael and Lucifer in order to discuss matters. You were sleeping and I did not wish to wake you, otherwise I would have informed you of this myself. Please stay at rest. You must recover. I will ward the homes of the others in your stead if they so wish.

Please rest. I will return later tonight.

[Michael and Lucifer]
Despite that I do not understand how, I've no doubt you are aware that I have warded the homes of a few of my friends and have decided to do so for others, should they desire it. I have not done this to offend you, but, rather, to put their minds at ease. I trust you understand this tactic and that heckling them will not help matters.

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