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Oct. 24th, 2010


Countess Dracula )

Oct. 19th, 2010


...I never thought a cheeseburger could taste so good.

You, me, a bed somewhere?

[Dr C Vadira]
Thanks for your help....I'm me again.

[Mom & Dad]
I'm back to normal human again.

Oct. 7th, 2010


Filtered to Vadira

Cas and Zira are coming over. Is that ok I hope that's okay.

Oct. 4th, 2010


filtered from Jo

As you might have noticed, Miss Harvelle is a vampire now. No, I didn't do it. Yes, I will take care of her.

She can't survive on animal blood. I would appreciate it if someone could find some kind of blood source for her, since I can't leave this apartment. Donations are accepted. She's barricaded herself in the bathroom, so if you have any well-wishes, by all means, let me know and I will shout them through the door.

Oct. 3rd, 2010



So, Sam? When you said you were going to show me around, this wasn't really what I had in mind.

I mean, you're nice and all, but I don't really marry guys on the first meeting.


Oh fuck me!

Sep. 17th, 2010


I could be wrong, but I almost thought I saw someone loitering in the cemetery in the wee hours, on my way home from work. Anything I should know about?

((ooc: yes, she is talking about anita, but feel free to speculate))

Sep. 12th, 2010


Fun vampire fact: due to the fact that I have no reflection, my picture can't be taken, nor can I be recorded on video.

It does, however, make sitting for a photo ID very difficult.

Sep. 6th, 2010



I know what you said to Mina.


Do you think I would hurt her? What's more, do you really think you could hide her from me?

We might have an agreement, but the next time you interfere will be your last.

Sep. 5th, 2010


Is anyone missing a... well, I suppose it's a dog? Pony, perhaps? Large, black and gray beast. Seems kind enough, if extremely confused. Refuses to leave the front of the apartments.

Aziraphale )

Countess )


After what happened in Transylvania, I had thought I had seen everything. I would assume this was all a dream, but I doubt so many people would be sharing the same one.

Sep. 4th, 2010


So I'm curious and a little bored.

What's everyone's favorite kind of pizza? Mine's anchovy. And before anyone says something, they're not gross. They're yummy.

ETA: [Countess]
Want to hang out?


I understand why you don't trust us. And if you saw as much in my memories as you say you did, then you should know I will honour any deal we make, and I'll make sure the others do as well. But I know our words on the network aren't enough, so I have another suggestion.

Meet me. In person. You choose the place and time, I'll come alone and unarmed. And we'll talk. And you can judge for yourself whether I can be trusted.

Aug. 31st, 2010


In light of the hostility I've faced from Miss Harvelle the First, I feel I should make a few things clear.

1. My name is Vadira Dracula. You can call me Countess. Yes, I'm the Dracula. Bram Stoker changed a few things when editing the Harker papers.

2. I am a vampire. I drink blood. I drink blood from people. I cannot survive off of animal blood, and if you ask me to do so, I will laugh at you.

3. I can read your minds. All of your minds - at least all of you that are human, or a being less powerful than I. That means that if try to kill me, I will know your plans as you make them.

That is all.

Aug. 30th, 2010


As none of you seem to be reaching this conclusion yourselves, allow me to fill you in.

There is no exit.

You're not getting out.

So stop fussing and start adapting. We're big kids, after all.