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Sep. 9th, 2010


Oh, hey, I got a job so I can make rupees so I can buy pizza! Yay!

If you have any plants or trees, I'm the fairy to go to. Gardening was just made for me, that's for sure!

Sep. 8th, 2010


I have only been in this city a mere handful of days, and yet I do feel I may never grow accustomed to the strange oddities of this place. So much confuses and astounds me. The technology alone is beyond my wildest imaginings.

And yet I dearly miss my home and wish for nothing more than to return. They tell us that our greatest wishes and fondest desires can come true here, but I truly do not see how such a thing could be true.

But at least my faithful hound is here, so there is some comfort in that.


[Filtered to Dawn, angels, and hunters]
If any of you find an object that seems to be imbued with... special energy, will you please inform me right away?

Sep. 7th, 2010


Hi, my name is Melinda and I'm wondering if anyone knows what all this is about. If you have any information, I would really, really appreciate it. Thank you.


Whoever is behind all this has really taken it a step too far with these alternate life videos. I've never seen anything so absurd!

That's it, Katherine, focus on the general insanity of it all. Don't think about what it showed happening to Dylan. Oh, God.


Filtered to the angels

Could one of you maybe look over this spell I wrote up, and possibly talk to me in person about it, if you have the time? I've got an idea, but I might need the help of one or more of you.

Sep. 5th, 2010


Is anyone missing a... well, I suppose it's a dog? Pony, perhaps? Large, black and gray beast. Seems kind enough, if extremely confused. Refuses to leave the front of the apartments.

Aziraphale )

Countess )


filtered from the law and little kids

Hi everybody, I met some of you already but for those I haven't met I'm Becky. Anyway, I don't really know how to go about this, back home everyone just kinda already knew where to find us and what we was doing but I guess that isn't true here, I walked around and saw some nightclubs and stuff but nothing like...well, anyway, sorry, like I said I never advertised before.

So I'm a prostitute. I'm healthy, back home we got vaccinated against everything they had a shot for and soon as I find a doctor I'll get tested again here so I can show anyone who asks I'm clean. I do men and women and whatever in between you might be but I don't do groups and I don't like working at night unless you're paying me a lot. You gotta pay up front and if you're a fellow you gotta wear a rubber and if you try anything funny you didn't pay for or that's gonna hurt me I know how to take care of myself.

Only problem I have is that I don't really want to do this from my apartment and I know not everyone will want to carry on at their place so if anyone has any suggestions you give me a call too.



Has anybody tried just walking right out of the city yet?

Filtered to Aziraphale and Crowley )

Filtered to Pepper )

Sep. 4th, 2010


Since it seems increasingly unlikely that we'll be going anywhere in the near future, I find myself wondering what there is to do here. Any suggestions would be most welcome.

Are you well daughter?

[A. J. Crowley esq & Aziraphale]
I trust you're both still well? I haven't yet had occassion to visit your bar, Crowley, but it is on the To Do List. Perhaps we could arrange to dine sometime soon - you and Adam, myself and Pepper? I would offer to cook but that... would not end well.

I assume you've been unable to make any progress with regards to getting us out? I neglected to say before, but should you require assistance, dear boy, you have but to ask.


So I'm curious and a little bored.

What's everyone's favorite kind of pizza? Mine's anchovy. And before anyone says something, they're not gross. They're yummy.

ETA: [Countess]
Want to hang out?

Sep. 2nd, 2010


I'm bored. I hate being bored. There's nothing worse than being bored. Bad things happen when I get bored.

'Kay, this place isn't so much fun anymore. I think I want to go home now.

Sep. 1st, 2010


Looks like I'm supposed to be managing the bakery. As far as forced employment goes, this shouldn't be too particularly painful. Even if I haven't had to work since I got married.

Aug. 31st, 2010


Good evening, one and all. I have made every effort to greet many of you personally, but I'm terribly afraid I am not able to hit every single message that comes up. That said, I thought perhaps I would introduce myself to the masses.

My name is Aziraphale, most just call me Zira. I am an angel. I, like all of you, have been brought here by forces unknown. I am as lost, confused, and frustrated as the rest. I've comfort in the fact my lover and my son are here as well, and my heart goes out to those who find themselves alone.

I am apparently the proprietor of a book shop in town. It is rather shockingly like the book shop I managed back home. And if I'm honest it isn't so much a shop, as a place to store my books. We'll all be fine, as long as no one actually intends to buy anything. The shop will be a warm and welcoming place to one and all, regardless of their title or status. Do come down and have a bit of tea, if you will.

[Edit per my love's request]: It should be said, the shop is rather more a museum. Should you actually endeavor to purchase a book, well. I don't recommend it.


okay, i'm really confused, mostly about the thing where the calendar on this contraption says it's 2010. but i've read what people are saying and i think i've sorted out most of the rest.

Okay, I'm really confused, mostly about the thing where the calendar on this contraption says it's 2010. But I've read what people are saying and I think I've sorted out most of the rest.

could someone please explain how to work this stupid thing/ it's driving me mental.

Edit: I'm so grateful for being able to edit that. It was a bit embarrassing, to say the least.

Mr. Aziraphale? Apparently, I'm meant to work in your bookshop while I'm here.


I have a job.

I've never had a job before. I don't know if this is good or bad


my wand.



In light of the hostility I've faced from Miss Harvelle the First, I feel I should make a few things clear.

1. My name is Vadira Dracula. You can call me Countess. Yes, I'm the Dracula. Bram Stoker changed a few things when editing the Harker papers.

2. I am a vampire. I drink blood. I drink blood from people. I cannot survive off of animal blood, and if you ask me to do so, I will laugh at you.

3. I can read your minds. All of your minds - at least all of you that are human, or a being less powerful than I. That means that if try to kill me, I will know your plans as you make them.

That is all.

Aug. 30th, 2010


Holy shit!

What is that?

And how do I turn it off?

This must be what going mad feels like.

I just quoted Firefly. This is bad.


So...I just want to make sure I'm reading all this right.

Angels are real?

That is so cool!

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