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November 22nd, 2010

[info]jennyforshort in [info]papillonnet

Right. So no idea who I am anyone recognize me what's all this, then?

[info]agentclairebear in [info]papillonnet

I'd like to say I'm not normally the kind of girl to wake up in bed with an anonymous stranger, but considering I'm pretty much an anonymous stranger to myself right now too, I can't really make that claim. At least he's hot.

Don't suppose anybody out there has any idea what's going on? Or what my name is? That'd be great too.

[info]ravenwolf in [info]papillonnet

Okay...I could use some help.

I don't remember...well...anything, I seem to be locked in a room in what appears to be a bookshop....and I could really use some trousers. Or any clothes really.

Mine seem to have vanished.

[info]fireinthesoul in [info]papillonnet

Huh. Seems to be an epidemic of people not knowing...well, anything. Not sure I'm usually a follower but I'm going to have to jump on this one.

Blondie? Short Stuff? Sorry, I don't know your name but you could almost fit in my pocket!, I don't even know my name. Are you...I mean, do you remember anything?

[info]aangst in [info]papillonnet

Wha--what? What is that...giant...thing?! Why does it keep following me?

[info]_enihpesoj in [info]papillonnet

Okay, so while crazy-pants down there has his hissy fit let's get something straight. I did not kidnap him or anyone else. I woke up with no idea who I was and him looming over me and yelling. His brother is coming to get him and I don't plan on...doing whatever the hell he imagines I might do to him. So, there's that. Now can we move on to the important stuff?

1) Is there anyone out there who does know who they are?
2) Does everyone else have a twin?
3) Is everyone else armed?
4) Anyone in a bad situation and need help?
ETA: 5)Any kids who haven't been able to find their parents, parents who haven't been able to find their kids, or anyone who would want to take charge of some temporary orphans? I may not know anything about myself but I don't think I'm a good babysitter.

[info]justplainadam in [info]papillonnet

It just ain't right, taking a kid. It's even worse, taking a kid then making him forget who he even is.

[info]unusinatrum in [info]papillonnet

Can anybody help me? I barracaded myself in a room now but there's a giant dog outside the door howling and trying to get in and a girl out there with lots of guns and I think she kidnapped me or something but I can't remember I don't remember anything at all. I think she did something to me.

[info]callmehell in [info]papillonnet

Okay, so, let me get this straight — everybody woke up today and didn't know anything about anything. 'That about right? And how many of us woke up naked with other strangers that also don't know anything about anything and also happened to be naked?

And now there's a real dragon flying around outside.

...Is anybody else kind of still seriously freaked out right now about all of this? I mean, do we even know if we've been here before today since nobody remembers anything?

[info]lifebusiness in [info]papillonnet

Uh, it looks like we have a lot of children here who don't know who they are or even who their parents are. I found some keys in the apartment and an address to a flower shop. It seems I'm an owner of the store. If anyone wants to bring the children there in hopes of their parents coming around for them, I'll keep the store closed to customers. [Address]

[info]harvelle in [info]papillonnet

Where the hell am I?

And who the hell am I?

[info]niblet in [info]papillonnet

Um...what's going on? Can someone help me? Please?

[info]justplainadam in [info]papillonnet


I didn't mean to do it! Honest! I don't even know how I did it! One minute I was just reading a book and then I thought "I bet that'd be fun" and then it was here in my room and now it's gone out the window!!!

[ooc: so. yes. adam can manipulate reality. he doesn't know this. thanks to a book he's been reading, there is now a dragon flying around the city. (to be fair, it won't eat anyone) XD]

[info]dream_bigger in [info]papillonnet

Getting the basics out of the way first. I have no idea who I am, where I am, or what's going on. I don't seem to have a twin and I have a distinct lack of sprogs or weapons (more's the pity). I can't speak for the lovely young woman who was asleep on the couch beside me when I woke up, though.

Also, I really need a fag. And a mug of tea. Just saying.