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Jun. 15th, 2010


a devious cat spirit walks into a bar

Who: Nyanko-sensei, tagging the Doctor (/any/ Doctor)
When: After meeting Ten in the library
Where: Hotel bar
What: Looking for a Doctor, any Doctor.
Rating/Status: PG-13 at worst/Incomplete thread

The bar was familiar to Nyanko-sensei; it was here where he had met the mysterious spy Bond and had his first shot of booze from outside time and space. He had a feeling about this place, like it was the kind of place to attract time travelers. Nyanko-sensei wondered if he should have put a personal ad in the newspaper: single cat-shaped ayakashi searching for any resident Lord of Time for conversation and adventure.

Couldn't be too hard, waiting around for the Doctor he met - all skinny legs and pinstripes - or the others who were also 'him' to show up. His senses were quite keen on picking up the scent of Time Lords after a first meeting, and he was pretty sure that he could tell one of the Doctor's selves on sight. If he couldn't, it would be awkward, to say the least.

Nyanko-sensei shuffled onto a barstool and ordered himself a bottle of shochu, not wanting to waste time with shots.


just a second; it's my favorite song they gonna play

Who: Ichigo Kurosaki, OPEN
When: Afternoon
Where: Lobby
What: Ichigo is bored and restless and not looking for Clarice at all no really
Rating/Status: PG-13 at worst cos it's Ichi/Incomplete

A certain red-haired teenager had found himself becoming more restless than ever, his hotel room making him feel confined and caged. Ichigo had listened to the bulk of Ishida's borrowed CDs, worked on most of his homework, and had made several calls to room service in an attempt to find out what was going on. For some reason he kept getting a lost-sounding girl who repeatedly invited him to eat smoked cheese with him. Huh.

Eventually, Ichigo took the elevator down to the lobby, intent on forcing himself into interaction with anyone, as long as it took his mind off his problems. Under his shirt on a string hung his contained of soul candy, just in case. He plopped down into a handsome looking chair and began absently flipping through a copy of Les Mis that someone had left lying around, wondering where the hell everyone was. The lobby seemed eerily quiet for the afternoon.

OOC: Come in and poke Ichigo ♥

May. 1st, 2010


Enter another Weasley!

Who: Charlie Weasley and greeter
Where: #12 Grimmauld and the Hotel lobby
When: just after Bill's disappearance
Rating/status: tbd/incomplete

Won't you come home, Bill Weasley, won't you come home/I've missed you all night long )

Apr. 29th, 2010


Promises are made to be broken

Who: Elena and Damon
When: Evening
Where: Woods, just outside the Hotel
What: the spider goes to the fly
Status/Rating: Incomplete/tbd

Come out, Virginia, don't let me wait/ you Catholic girls start much too late/Sooner or later it comes down to fate/I might as well be the one* )

Mar. 31st, 2010


WHO: Buffy Summers and Lorne! (Open!)
WHEN: March 31st / Evening.
WHERE: Lounge / Bar.
STATUS: Incomplete.
RATING: PG-13, probably.

Normalcy. Ha! )

Mar. 21st, 2010


Who: Sookie Stackhouse and Bill Compton
When: Directedly after his close encounter of the Eric kind
Where: Hotel library
What: Sookie and Bill stuff
Status/rating Incomplete/tbd (seriously, it's a library, how steamy can it get?)

Into the ward of the clean white-washed halls,
Where the dead slept and the dying lay;
Wounded by bayonets, sabres and balls,
Somebody's darling was borne one day.
Somebody's darling so young and so brave,
Wearing still on his sweet yet pale face
Soon to be hid in the dust of the grave,
The lingering light of his boyhood's grace.

Somebody's darling, somebody's pride,
Who'll tell his Mother where her boy died* )

Mar. 20th, 2010


Trying to Reach Cardiff

Once again in spite of knowing it was a challenge Gwen was sitting in the hotel lobby hitting redial on her cell phone. She was also trying just about every number in her phone book from Jack and Ianto to the recently deceased Tosh and Owen (even she knew just hearing Owen's voice mail would make her cry once again) along with Martha, Andy and Rhys. "Just bloody pick up already! Even being able to curse out Saxon would be a start at this point!!" she hissed as she slammed her fingers into the keypad.

Only 2 people within the hotel knew how miserable she really was: the 10th Doctor and Jo. But to be honest maybe all Gwen needs is an open ear and someone from her world to be pulled into the world of crazy that was the hotel. "Well I can be sure its not the Rift but I even have doubts about that" as she slammed the next round of numbers into her keypad. But if anyone picked that moment to brave the lobby they would find a woman who had hardly slept much less eaten anything, still ankle deep in grief.

Feb. 27th, 2010


Who: Neville Longbottom, greeter
What: Arriving at the Hotel
When: Saturday evening
Where: Diagon Alley, then the hotel lobby

suspicions run thick )

Feb. 14th, 2010


but will there be lovely cheese?

Who: Churuya; OPEN to anyone
When: Valentine's Day
Where: The kitchens for the restaurant
What: Churuya is making chocolate :3
Status/rating: G - Churuya don't make no fuss anyways; incomplete thread

Churuya had noticed it was Valentine's Day and so decided to do something nice for all of the people she had met so far during her stay, like the man with his raven and the nice Chinese man who greeted her. So she ended up in the kitchens, a nice butler named Sebastian having let her in to make chocolates using the hotel equipment. It was very exciting, even when her first ill-fated batch of chocolates somehow made an oven door explode off the hinges.

After the smoke cleared out and Sebastian popped in briefly to fix the oven, it was back to trying to make actual-edible sweets. Churuya, in her frilly apron and oven mittens for safety, started gathering up all the ingredients again, wondering what she could add to make her chocolates super-special. Peppermint? Sea salt? Maybe some smoked gouda? Her mouth started watering at the thought of delicious cheese chocolate, and the bag of flour in her hands burst in her hands, surrounding her in a floating cloud of white powder and leaving poor Churuya blinking and wondering what had happened.

Come on in and have fun making sweets with Churuya-san! Someone needs to make sure she doesn't burn down the restaurant, nyoron~? xD


Puppies at play on Valentine's Day

Who: Remus and Sirius
When: Valentine's Day
Where: Their room
What: Refer to when, you'll know what
Status/rating: Incomplete, NC-17, of course (did you have to really ask?)

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of everyday's
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints!---I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life!---and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after *death. )

Jan. 22nd, 2010


Who: Penelope and Abby
Where: Somewhere in the Hotel (one of the resturants maybe?).
When: Sometime Today
What: The Geek Queens of the NCIS and the BAU Meet.
Warnings: Spoilers possible for both NCIS and Criminal Minds in comments.

As Penelope sipped her coffee in the resturant she was a woman on a mission. She had lugged her laptop along and was trying in vain to link back to the computers within the BAU offices, aka her babies. "Come on! Connect already!" as she typed in more codes, her past as a hacker coming in handy once again. But as she worked she decided to see this as half forced vacation and half profile. "Only thing that makes sense is this is an unsub with a massive effects budget" she typed into another file. Of course Penelope has no idea anyone could hear her playing profiler as she worked,"Just remember what Junior G Man and Hot Stuff taught you" thinking of Reid and Morgan as she worked.

Jan. 19th, 2010


A couple of years and I'm a silhouette. My halo is broken, Now I'm all that's left.

Who: Sylar and Greeter
Where: The lobby.
When: Yesterday at 9 pm.
What: Sylar lost his fight with Peter, Claire, HRG, Matt Parkman, Jessica/Nikki and Hiro
Warnings: Suprised and confused Sylar does not make a happy Sylar, so greeter will probably find themselves against the wall with a very not happy killer. D: Good luck. :'D; Also, there's spoilers for first season of Heroes. ♥ Some violence, too.

Hate to disappoint but it's the way things went. I was blind to the things I did, and deaf to what was said. )

Jan. 14th, 2010


Who: 3, 4, and greeter.
Where: Lobby. Specifically, on top of the front desk.
What: They're entering.
when: Backdated to yesterday, 6 PM-ish?
rating: G to PG.
Warning: This contains spoilers for the movie 9. :(

And as we say our long goodbyes, I nearly do. )

Jan. 13th, 2010


Who: Dr McCoy and open
What: Having drinks
Where: the bar
When: (backdated) Afternoon Christmas Day right after his arrival
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete
Price of freedom? )

Jan. 10th, 2010


Who: Abigail Chase - Bartolo aka Puss in Boots
What: On her way to their room to find Ben
Where: From the restaurant, through the lobby, up the elevator... ;)
When: Right after this
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Sometimes it helped talking to someone, another woman, who could be objective. )

Jan. 4th, 2010


Who: Ron Weasley and greeter
When: Morning, today
Where: The Burrow, then the lobby
What: Arrival
Rating: G
Status: Incomplete

someone's gotta go... )

Jan. 3rd, 2010


Who: Bill Weasley - Rogue
What: Going to his room
Where: Lobby, Elevator and up to his room
When: Right after this.
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

He hummed a little muggle rock song as he pressed the elevator button. )

Dec. 30th, 2009


Who: Edward and Alice Cullen
What: Chatting about the wedding/ catching up
When: Wednesday morning
Where: Alice's room

Edward was on cloud nine. Bella had agreed to marry him. He knew Alice already knew about the news, but he couldn't resist going to celebrate. Therefore, early in the morning, while Bella still slept, Edward crept from the room. He left Bella a note, letting her know where he was so she wouldn't worry, then headed to Alice's room. He knew she was lonely without Jasper, and so tried to visit her as much as possible - particularly when Bella was sleeping, as neither he nor Alice did much of that.

Arriving at her door, he knocked. He smirked to himself, surprised she had let him get that far in the first place.


Who: Fred and George Weasley and greeter
When: Morning
Where: The lobby
What: Arrival
Rating: G probably
Status: incomplete

Cayenne curry? )

Dec. 24th, 2009


WHO: Barbara Gordon and Greeter.
WHEN: Christmas Eve.
WHERE: Gotham Public Library, then Hannibal's Hotel lobby.
STATUS: Incomplete.
RATING: PG or PG-13.

Her dreams generally weren't this vivid. )

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June 2010



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