Dec. 9th, 2009


WHO: Bella Swan and Open
WHERE: Forest around the hotel.
WHEN: December 9, 1:30 pm.

Bella had decided to go out for a walk. Edward had been distant and she didn't understand why. She hadn't seen Alice either, Her best friend, her sister. She sighed as she looked around the woods that reminded her of home so much. She had started thinking of her dad, her mom, Phil and finally Jacob. Her best friend. The one who had put her back together when Edward had left.

As she walked through the woods she stumbled and tripped over the roots, falling to the ground. Suddenly a case of Deja Vu coming over her. She bit her lip as she curled into a ball, feeling that old familiar whole opening up again and this time there was no Jacob to help fix what he could of it. She felt the tears start to trickle from her eyes as she lay there wishing Edward would come back to her.

Apr. 9th, 2009


Who: Bella Swan and Alice Cullen
When: Thursday morning
Where: begin in Bella's room, after that who knows
What: Girl talk and planning
Status: Complete

A blind bloke walks into a shop with a guide dog. He picks the Dog up and starts swinging it around his head. Alarmed, a shop assistant calls out: 'Can I help, sir?' 'No thanks,' says the blind bloke. 'Just looking.'* )

Mar. 18th, 2009


Who: Zorg and open
Where: hallway of the hotel
What: Zorg is reconnoitering
When: Wednesday morning
Rating/Status: Perhaps low R for language or attempted violence/Incomplete

It's light. Handle's adjustable for easy carrying, good for righties and lefties. Breaks down into four parts, undetectable by x-ray, ideal for quick, discreet interventions. A word on firepower. Titanium recharger, three thousand round clip with bursts of three to three hundred, and with the Replay button - another Zorg invention - it's even easier* )

Jan. 11th, 2009


Who: Bella Swan and Edward Cullen
Where: Their room
What: Reunited
Rating: TBD.

Bella had made her way up to her room after getting away from the freaks downstairs. She just wanted to shut herself away and avoid everyone. She found the room had two beds and went to one right away. She lay down and curled up in the fetal position much like she had when Sam had found her when Edward had told her he was leaving.
More under the cut )

Jan. 9th, 2009


Bella had climbed the cliffs where she and Jacob were supposed to have gone cliff diving, but of course he was to busy yet again and she was just a little sick of it. She stood staring out and down. Now that she was up here she wondered if she could go through with it, she'd done it to hear Edwards voice. She looked down at the water below and jumped. She gave a little scream as she fell then the felt the water wash over her. She had closed her eyes and held her breath before she hit the water, and now struggled to reach the top to air again. She was caught in the current that pulled her deeper and deeper. She struggled to reach the top again. Eventually her strength, what little she had, gave out and she just felt herself falling deeper and deeper.

Eventually she opened her eyes and looked around. She looked at the ornate lobby of what looked like a hotel. She raised an eyebrow as she made her way to the desk. She looked around the whole time. Was this Heaven? Was she really dead? Shit Charlie would be devastated.