Dec. 16th, 2009


Who: James and C!Syaoran (I hope I got that right, and open? XD;)
When: Late afternoon, 6 or 7 PM-ish, same day as he found the tape.
Where: Bar area of the restaurant.
What: James' resorts to drinking to get rid of the pain of finding out the truth. He meets C!Syaoran. (More to come as it progresses?)
Rating: PG-13. Some spoilers on James' part, some violence on James' part, alcohol use, but if you read the post about the tape, then it's nothing new, really, on James' end. Cut for them anyway.
Status: incomplete

I'd warn that you should leave before you're seen with me. )

Dec. 14th, 2009


Drop the dagger (or in this case, pillow) and lather

Who: James Sunderland, closed.
What: James wants to know what really happened that day three years ago... or so he thought. The hotel provides a copy of the tape, and he watches it. :( Poor thing.
Where: His room.
When: Early today, around 5 AM.
Rating: Spoilers from Silent Hill 2 (a liiittle fanon, regarding his emotions to the tape while it's playing), mentions uxoricide by asphyxiation. Going to go ahead and rate it R, to be safe.
Status: Finished.

The blood on your hands, Romeo. (or: There's beauty in the breakdown) )

Sep. 2nd, 2009


Our "Special Place"?

Who: James and a greeter!
What: He's just arrived by boat (and is very confused).
Where: Lake, then up to the hotel's lobby.
Summary: James rows from a dock on Toluca Lake. While rowing the boat, he passes into a portal on the hotel's lake. Unfortunately, James missed that memo and is here instead.
When: Today, late evening.
Rating: PG? PG-13-ish?
Warning: Very very small hint of a spoiler. ^^;

It wasn't Rosewater Park, so that left the hotel on the other side of the lake... )

June 2010



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