Oct. 16th, 2009


Who: Sookie Stackhouse and Greeter
What: Enter Sookie Stackhouse
Where: Sookie's Grandmother's House, Cemetery next to it, and Hannibal's Hotel Lobby
When: Night
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

This world will never be what I expected/And if I don't belong who would have guessed it* )

Jul. 7th, 2009


Who:: Clarice, Paul, Pazzi, Mason, who knows after that
Where: lobby to start, then who knows?
When: Monday night
What: who knows
Rating/status: tbd, Incomplete

Along came a spider, and sat down beside her, and frightened Miss Muffet away... )

May. 6th, 2009


Of gods and wars and the pleasures that they bring...

Who: Ares and greeter
Where: ancient Greece and hotel lobby
When: Wednesday night
What: Ares is brought into the Hotel, much against his will
Status Complete

Beware of Greeks bearing gifts... )

Apr. 25th, 2009


Two blonds with attitude for days....eat your heart out, Miss Clairol

Who: Draco and Lucius Malfoy and greeter
What: entrance into the Hotel, of course
When: Saturday night (Hotel time, of course)
Where: Dept of Mysteries, Hogwarts, then Hotel lobby
Status: Complete

When you were young and your heart was an open book/You used to say live and let live/(you know you did, you know you did you know you did)/But in this ever changing world in which we live in/Makes you give in and cry/Say live and let die* )

Apr. 11th, 2009


Enter the Third Doctor and Jo Grant!

Who: Third Doctor, Jo and greeter
Where: UK to Hannibal's Hotel (in one quick shot!)
When: Time is fleeting, and elastic, and subject to change, but for your sake, call it Saturday morning
What: Entering the Hotel, of course, did you sleep through the part that says greeter?
Status: Complete (possible spoilers for The Sea Devils)

Reverse the polarity of the neutron flow )

Apr. 9th, 2009


Clarice Starling, FBI agent on administrative leave, could have sworn she had saw a glimpse of Dr. Hannibal “The Cannibal” Lecter as she stepped out of the grocery store. But she shrugged it off, figuring she was just seeing things.
As she turned her key in the lock of her vehicle, she glanced up and saw three or four dark haired men shove a smaller man into a large van and she caught her breath in her throat. Lecter.
As she reached to her gun at her hip to pull it out, everything went white. She had thought that she passed out or something but blinding light poured into her vision and she found herself lying face down against a carpet floor. What that hell, she thought and rose to her feet.
She didn’t know where she was, and she was about to ask some serious questions but there wasn’t anyone around. Groaning in frustration, she walked up to a fairly long desk what she took as the front desk and dinged the small bell two times.

Jan. 12th, 2009


Memories rather than minutes )

June 2010



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