Mar. 18th, 2009


Who: Zorg and open
Where: hallway of the hotel
What: Zorg is reconnoitering
When: Wednesday morning
Rating/Status: Perhaps low R for language or attempted violence/Incomplete

It's light. Handle's adjustable for easy carrying, good for righties and lefties. Breaks down into four parts, undetectable by x-ray, ideal for quick, discreet interventions. A word on firepower. Titanium recharger, three thousand round clip with bursts of three to three hundred, and with the Replay button - another Zorg invention - it's even easier* )

Mar. 4th, 2009


Enter the Cajun

Who: Zorg and greeter
Where: Planet Fhloston and Hannibal's Hotel lobby
When: Today
What: Arrival
Rating/Status: possibly R for language/Complete

I know this music, let's change the beat... )