Mar. 31st, 2010


WHO: Buffy Summers and Lorne! (Open!)
WHEN: March 31st / Evening.
WHERE: Lounge / Bar.
STATUS: Incomplete.
RATING: PG-13, probably.

Normalcy. Ha! )

Dec. 23rd, 2009


Who: Captains Jack and Teague and open to all
What: Seeking warm rooms and hot rum
Where: The bar
When: Afternoon
Rating: TBD
Status: being built

'Give a sail a strong breeze to make her billow, give a ship a strong will to guide her.' -- Captain Teague )

Dec. 21st, 2009


Who: Lorne and Gwen Cooper
What: Enjoying the pre-Christmas hustle and bustle
Where: Hotel Lobby
When: Today, afternoon
Rating: pg
Status: incomplete

Lorne loved Christmas, loud and blingy, too many colours and sparkles, over the top decorations. What was not to love? )

Jul. 26th, 2009


Enter Lorne

Who: Lorne and Frasier
What: Lorne entering the hotel
Where: Leaving LA ending up in the Hotel
When: Now
Rating: G
Status: Complete

I'll do this last thing for you, for us... but then I'm out, and you won't find me in the alley afterwards. Hell, you won't find me at all. Do me a favor. Don't try. )