Feb. 14th, 2010


but will there be lovely cheese?

Who: Churuya; OPEN to anyone
When: Valentine's Day
Where: The kitchens for the restaurant
What: Churuya is making chocolate :3
Status/rating: G - Churuya don't make no fuss anyways; incomplete thread

Churuya had noticed it was Valentine's Day and so decided to do something nice for all of the people she had met so far during her stay, like the man with his raven and the nice Chinese man who greeted her. So she ended up in the kitchens, a nice butler named Sebastian having let her in to make chocolates using the hotel equipment. It was very exciting, even when her first ill-fated batch of chocolates somehow made an oven door explode off the hinges.

After the smoke cleared out and Sebastian popped in briefly to fix the oven, it was back to trying to make actual-edible sweets. Churuya, in her frilly apron and oven mittens for safety, started gathering up all the ingredients again, wondering what she could add to make her chocolates super-special. Peppermint? Sea salt? Maybe some smoked gouda? Her mouth started watering at the thought of delicious cheese chocolate, and the bag of flour in her hands burst in her hands, surrounding her in a floating cloud of white powder and leaving poor Churuya blinking and wondering what had happened.

Come on in and have fun making sweets with Churuya-san! Someone needs to make sure she doesn't burn down the restaurant, nyoron~? xD

Dec. 20th, 2009


Who:Cassie Holmes and Open
When:Midday sometime
Where:The Hotel restaurand
Sure, now I quit drawing dead people )

Jul. 26th, 2009


RP: Avoidance

Who: Lily Evans, Open
What: Avoiding people has led her to finding random spots in the hallway to read
When: Afternoon
Where: 10th floor Hallway
Status: Incomplete

She had no idea where she was, nor was she overly concerned by this fact )

May. 31st, 2009


Who: William Turner and Elizabeth Swann
What: On the way to his room.
Where: Lobby, stairs, halls and room 604
When: Right after being greeted
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

He sighed, why couldn't things just go the way he expected them to go? )

May. 25th, 2009


Enter Captain William Turner

Who: Will Turner and Inspector Pazzi
What: Will enters the hotel
Where: The Flying Dutchman and later the lobby of the Hotel
When: This evening
Rating: PG13 - Silly grins because of the time spend with Elizabeth
Status: Complete

but it was better then being dead... he hoped )

June 2010



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