Dec. 20th, 2009


Who: Elena and Greeter
What: Elena's entrance.
When: After leaving Stefan and her vervain necklace behind after having slept with him.
Where: The road outside Mystic Falls and the Lobby of the Hotel.

When Elena had seen that picture of Katherine sitting on Stefan's desk, especially after what they'd just shared, she'd had to get out of there. She pulled her necklace from around her neck and left it with the picture of Katherine.

Once out of the house she quickly got in her truck and pulled away from his house. Tears falling from her eyes as she thought about it. The whole reason he liked her was because she looked like Katherine. She couldn't believe it. As she drove through the black night, she didn't see someone standing in the middle of the street in the dark. She caught a glimpse of him, if it was a him, from her headlights and quickly swerved to avoid whoever it was. She screamed as her truck started to flip. She closed her eyes as it rolled. When if finally stopped she looked and saw the man heading towards her truck. She screamed and struggled to get out of the truck before whatever it was got to her.

Finally able to escape out of the passenger side she started to run. She didn't turn around until she stopped running when she ran into a building. She stopped and looked around as she entered the door. She tried to figure out what was going on. She didn't remember there being a hotel out here. She looked around the lobby finding the desk she ran to the desk and quickly rang the bell.

"Hello? Help. Please. Someone's after me."