May. 6th, 2009


Who: Gambit and Rogue
What: Dinner
When: Directly after this
Where: The hotel restaurant

Rogue couldn't believe she had actually agreed to this. Gambit was more of a rogue than she, yet she found herself drawn to his wit and charm. He was handsome and debonair, yet she knew nothing could come of his attentions to her. One day he would grow tired of their inability to touch, and she would be left alone once more.

All of these thoughts, of course, were on her mind as they entered the restaurant - she on his arm.

Mar. 1st, 2009


Who: Rogue and Gambit
What: A confrontation
When: Shortly after entering the Hotel
Where: Their room, 503

Wasn't this just swell?! First, they are removed from the X-Mansion only to end up in some strange Hotel. Then they are forced to share a room! Ridiculous! It appeared that fate had decided to not listen to her wishes - she was to be stuck with this cajun nightmare (she refused to admit that she had feelings, nor that he was devilishly handsome). And she didn't know for how long.

As they entered their room, she sighed with frustration. Tossing the key on the closest dresser, she turned to face Gambit with a huff. "What're we supposed te do now?!" she asked, exasperated.

Feb. 28th, 2009


Who: Rogue, Gambit, and greeter
What: Arriving at the hotel
When: Night, Saturday
Where: X-Mansion, lobby

that man was positively insufferable! )