May. 1st, 2010


Who: Weasley twins and Selina
When: Evening
Where: Hotel bar
What: Meeting someone new
Status/Rating: Incomplete/tbd

The lads had been awake since early morning, skipping breakfast in favour of their magical experimentation. After hours of some success, they finally realised just how hungry they were, and that it might be a fine idea to seek both food and other company downstairs.

"Oy, let's try out the everfills," George suggested as they loped to their door.

Fred agreed and accioed a couple of steins, which they carried downstairs to the bar. The red-haired young men smiled and nodded to others in the place as they strode up to the bar, wizards on a mission. They occupied a couple of stools and ordered beers.

Jul. 5th, 2009


Who: Selina Kyle (Catwoman) and Greeter.
When: Now.
Where: Selina's East End apartment, then the hotel lobby.
What: Selina is transported to Hannibal's Hotel and Restaurant.
Rating: R, for adult content.
Status: Complete.

Just when she thought things couldn't get any worse.... )