Jan. 31st, 2009


Who: Christine and Erik
Where: Theatre
What: Reuniting
Rating: TBD

Christine had been to her room. It was quaint and cozy. She had decided to explore what was now her home. Wandering from her room she made her way back to the Lobby. Walking through she looked at the rooms lining the hall. She paused seeing a room that looked as though it were a theatre. Being reminded of home she stepped through the doors and instantly was transported back to the Paris Opera house, in her mind's eye of course.

She could hear the preparations for that night's show. The bustling through the theatre by cast member's, and crew. She walked up to the stage and stood in the centre. It was as if nothing had changed. Everything was the same. Slowly and softly she started to sing. It came easily to her as she felt like she was back in Paris.

Jan. 21st, 2009


Christine made her way back to the Paris Opera house. The building that had been her home for so many years. She stared up at the ruined building. Closing her eyes she could recall that night as if it had happened just the night before.

When she had left that night with Raoul, she had made a promise to herself to return to find him, her angel of music. And so she stood before the charred remains of her old home taking a breath before she slowly started to walk towards the charred remains. She stepped over the burnt boards. She had one goal in mind and hoped the way wasn't blocked. As carefully as she could she made her way through the burnt boards and broken glass as she slowly found what she was looking for. She figured she could find her way if she went through the chapel. The chapel where she'd heard his voice in the shadows so many times. Slowly she pushed against the door shoving with all her weight, the door protesting, she pushed the door out of the way before she looked around. She stood there in the light confused. Looking behind her she saw the charred remains of the opera house but before her was what looked like a hotel lobby. She slowly stepped through the door and made her way to the desk, looking around as she went. She couldn't understand what had happened.