Dec. 21st, 2009


Who: Stefan Salvatore and greeter
What: Arriving at the Hotel
When: Shortly after Elena
Where: The lobby, of course

Had it been a dream? )

Jul. 7th, 2009


Who:: Clarice, Paul, Pazzi, Mason, who knows after that
Where: lobby to start, then who knows?
When: Monday night
What: who knows
Rating/status: tbd, Incomplete

Along came a spider, and sat down beside her, and frightened Miss Muffet away... )

May. 25th, 2009


Enter Captain William Turner

Who: Will Turner and Inspector Pazzi
What: Will enters the hotel
Where: The Flying Dutchman and later the lobby of the Hotel
When: This evening
Rating: PG13 - Silly grins because of the time spend with Elizabeth
Status: Complete

but it was better then being dead... he hoped )

Mar. 25th, 2009


Time to Look Around

Who: Yazoo and Kadaj, Alice Cullen and Pazzi
What: Reconning
When: Morning
Where: The lawns, then the lobby
Status: Complete

Window Exit )