Feb. 14th, 2010


but will there be lovely cheese?

Who: Churuya; OPEN to anyone
When: Valentine's Day
Where: The kitchens for the restaurant
What: Churuya is making chocolate :3
Status/rating: G - Churuya don't make no fuss anyways; incomplete thread

Churuya had noticed it was Valentine's Day and so decided to do something nice for all of the people she had met so far during her stay, like the man with his raven and the nice Chinese man who greeted her. So she ended up in the kitchens, a nice butler named Sebastian having let her in to make chocolates using the hotel equipment. It was very exciting, even when her first ill-fated batch of chocolates somehow made an oven door explode off the hinges.

After the smoke cleared out and Sebastian popped in briefly to fix the oven, it was back to trying to make actual-edible sweets. Churuya, in her frilly apron and oven mittens for safety, started gathering up all the ingredients again, wondering what she could add to make her chocolates super-special. Peppermint? Sea salt? Maybe some smoked gouda? Her mouth started watering at the thought of delicious cheese chocolate, and the bag of flour in her hands burst in her hands, surrounding her in a floating cloud of white powder and leaving poor Churuya blinking and wondering what had happened.

Come on in and have fun making sweets with Churuya-san! Someone needs to make sure she doesn't burn down the restaurant, nyoron~? xD

Sep. 1st, 2009


Musicale, Part II

Who: Same participants as the first one, but all are welcome to join in, please continue previous conversations in the new thread:

We are continuing from here

An apology for the devil: it must be remembered that we have heard one side of the case. God has written all the books.* )

Jul. 22nd, 2009


Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast...

Who: Jo, Third Doctor, and open to anyone else who enjoys music
What: An impromptu musicale (a delightful evening of music and wine and cheese)
When: Wednesday evening, 8 pm
Where: the Ballroom
Status/Rating: Incomplete/tbd

A painter paints pictures on canvas. But musicians paint their pictures on silence* )

May. 13th, 2009


I pretended not to notice, And stared far out the small window

Who: Eric Draven and OPEN.
Where: Outside, a nice little valley a good ways away from the hotel.
What: Eric misses his Shelly. ;-;
When: Night, specifically 10 Pm tonight.
Rating: Potential PG-13. can go lower or higher, I think.

You who I loved too much are on the other side of the wall, Softly smiling. (Where can I go to make my loneliness vanish. )
From Misérable, by Gackt (English trans by Mina-P). ♥

Apr. 30th, 2009


but will there be smoked cheese?

Who: Churuya
When: after episode 11 of Nyoro-n Churuya-san
Where: walking home from school with Kyon
What: oh, Churuya-san, 'smoked cheese' is not the answer to everything
Rating/Status: G (Churuya-san is pretty squeaky clean); Thread complete

Churuya was walking home with Kyon after a long day of taking make-up tests, talking offhandedly about how hard they all were. She didn't know a lot of the answers, so she ended up guessing and filling in blanks with 'smoked cheese' and 'nyoro~n'. To be fair, no college in Japan would take her in as a student anyway.

Kyon was in the middle of blankly telling her how she should do better on her tests or there will be no more smoked cheese, when Churuya noticed a sign tied to a piece of string hanging out of a nearby bush. The sign read Free smoked cheese here! -- how could she resist? Kyon waved her off, saying he'd just walk home with Yuki and Mikuru instead. Stomach grumbling happily in anticipation, Churuya followed the string past the bushes and to the mouth of a huge cage. 'Just like her game!' she though. Churuya just hoped there was an actual adventure in this one, along with cheese, of course. She bounced into the cave ---

--- only to find herself stepping into the ornate lobby of a hotel. Churuya looked around, completely dumbfounded. What? How? What?

A confused "Nyoro~n?" echoed through the room as she stood dumbly in the middle of the lobby, waiting for someone to explain to her what was going on.

June 2010



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