Dec. 24th, 2009


WHO: Barbara Gordon and Greeter.
WHEN: Christmas Eve.
WHERE: Gotham Public Library, then Hannibal's Hotel lobby.
STATUS: Incomplete.
RATING: PG or PG-13.

Her dreams generally weren't this vivid. )

Jun. 26th, 2009


Is It Tea Yet?

Who: Tenth Doctor and Jeannie
What: Arrival
When: Afternoon
Where: Hotel lobby
Status: Complete

Then that laugh, that Master laugh ringing out from the bearded foe in black velvet. 'So the Daleks won after all, Doctor!' )

Apr. 15th, 2009


Who: Sharpe and Italy
When: Evening of his arrival
Where: Hotel bar
What: drinking and talking, at least
Status: Complete

Drink, my boys, and ne'er give o'er/Drink until you can't drink no more/For the Frenchmen are coming for a fresh supply/And they swear they'll drink little England dry* )

Feb. 28th, 2009


Remus arriving at the Hotel

Who: Remus Lupin and Jeannie
What: Arriving at the Hotel
Where: The Lobby
When: NOW... lol
Rating: PG13 - A bit angsty though.
Status: Completed

Strange magic on a dark foggy evening was not a good thing most of the time )

Jan. 11th, 2009


death & the strawberry [enter kurosaki ichigo]

Who: Ichigo Kurosaki, greeter
When: late noon
Where: from Karakura Town to the hotel
What: Arrival at the hotel
Rating/Status: PG-13; Completed

Night time was falling on Karakura Town, the chill of winter still in the air. Ichigo Kurosaki paused under the light of a nearby lamppost and scowled as he checked his now-stuck CD player. The last two beats to Radiohead's 'Paranoid Android' were stuck on repeat, and the sound of the same notes running together endlessly irritated the redhead beyond belief. His breath came out in visible puffs of air as he checked the status of his precious machine, brow furrowed in concentration.

continued underneath, in which Ichigo curses some more & eventually enters the hotel )

June 2010



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