May. 1st, 2010


Doctor, Doctor, Jo, Doctor, Gwen, Doctor!

Who: Doctors 3, 6, 9, 10, Jo, Gwen and Frasier
When: Afternoon
Where: Room 606
What: Meeting of minds
Status/Rating: Incomplete/tbd

606 had its door open and the sound of two voices in discourse rushed into the hallway. One voice seemed to dominate the conversation more, sounding off in a hurried fashion while the other could be judged as sounding "Northern English", even if he wasn't British. The two of him, the Doctor, were in a room that was a hodgepodge of science lab, living room and library.

Nov. 28th, 2009


"I've got nothing to say but it's O.K.//Good morning, good morning, good morning!"

Who: The Sixth Doctor
When: Around nine in the morning, day after entrance thread
Where: Restaurant doors
What: ADVENTUUUURE~ oh, and a meet-up with Frasier
Rating/Status: PG // incomplete thread

Small though it is, the human brain can be quite effective when used properly. )

Sep. 1st, 2009


enter number Six, stage right

Who: The Sixth Doctor, greeter
When: several months after Season 23
Where: from the TARDIS to the lobby, natch
What: Well, this isn't Blackpool :|
Rating/Status: PG (?) // complete thread
Notes: This Sixth Doctor has traveled with Peri, Mel and Frobisher, but not yet with Evelyn or Charley.

The inside of the TARDIS was unnaturally quiet. )

Jul. 26th, 2009


Enter Lorne

Who: Lorne and Frasier
What: Lorne entering the hotel
Where: Leaving LA ending up in the Hotel
When: Now
Rating: G
Status: Complete

I'll do this last thing for you, for us... but then I'm out, and you won't find me in the alley afterwards. Hell, you won't find me at all. Do me a favor. Don't try. )

June 2010



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