Jan. 22nd, 2010


Who: Penelope and Abby
Where: Somewhere in the Hotel (one of the resturants maybe?).
When: Sometime Today
What: The Geek Queens of the NCIS and the BAU Meet.
Warnings: Spoilers possible for both NCIS and Criminal Minds in comments.

As Penelope sipped her coffee in the resturant she was a woman on a mission. She had lugged her laptop along and was trying in vain to link back to the computers within the BAU offices, aka her babies. "Come on! Connect already!" as she typed in more codes, her past as a hacker coming in handy once again. But as she worked she decided to see this as half forced vacation and half profile. "Only thing that makes sense is this is an unsub with a massive effects budget" she typed into another file. Of course Penelope has no idea anyone could hear her playing profiler as she worked,"Just remember what Junior G Man and Hot Stuff taught you" thinking of Reid and Morgan as she worked.

Jan. 15th, 2010


Who: Penelope Garcia and her greeter
What: Entering the Hotel
Where: the BAU Bullpen and the Lobby of the Hotel
When: Today, morning
Rating: PG
Status: In Progress (possible spoilers for current season of Criminal Minds in comments)

Nobody knew Penelope Garcia was worried sick about the team, her second family since her own parents had died a few years before. "Need to call Reid since he did not look like himself, check on Hotch and offer to take care of Jack so he can have a breather and last but not least call Kevin!" grinning at that last item and thinking of her boyfriend. As she called a good night to a clerk she realized this was not the BAU bullpen much less the office parking garage. "Ok, don't freak" she told herself,"Just remember everything Reid and Morgan have taught you" as she flipped open her laptop to try and link back with the office computers and not getting anywhere. "Ok, could just be a simple lack of signal so off to the desk to see about either answers or directions back to the BAU". So dressed in one of her usual bright and cheery outfits Penelope hit the little bell on the desk. "Ok, high end looking lobby so this either has to be an Unsub with a really big effects budget or I have dozed off as the desk once again" she decided.