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August 12th, 2015



delivery to Ginny Weasley

Owled over to her early on her birthday. )




Who: Bryony and Marcus
What: Consequences
Where: Towpath Studios
When: Wednesday, August 12, mid-morning
Rating: SFW

how the hell'd we wind up like this )




In the gossip pages of Wednesday's Daily Prophet )




[Warded to Alicia, Angelina, and Oliver]

If you hadn't heard the shouts of excitement (which is entirely possible), I got the job with Falmouth! I start Monday!




RP: We need to talk

Who: Alicia and Adrian
What: Adrian's confused and worried
Where: Adrian's flat
When: Wednesday 12th August, evening
Rating: SFW for now

We need to talk. )



Journal: To Richard

[Warded to Richard] I'm looking into purchasing what is currently a muggle property and I was hoping you might have some insight, would you be able to meet with me sometime to discuss it?

Journal: Chris

The de-charming and de-potion-ing of the Pucey property is coming along well. Next will be a thorough cleaning. Of the old fashioned sort, lots of scrubbing and dusting and removing of some furniture to be done.

Anyone want to volunteer for a day or two with the Foundation toward the end of this month?

After cleaning will come the new wards and protective spells, and then moving in furniture and the like, but not until the cobwebs are all gone.

Journal: to Emma

[Warded to Emma] That unbelievable ASSHOLE! Franklin, in all his OLD FUCKING WISDOM, doesn't think we should "see each other" anymore! All because that stuffy mean boss of his asked what I do for a living at a charity dinner last night and I WAS HONEST. OH THE HORROR.



Motor Running

Who: Dominic and Angelina
What: Moonlit Motorcycle Rides
Where: The sky!
When: Wednesday 11th August, evening
Rating: SFW for now

Lookin' for adventure and whatever comes our way )

Journal: to lavender

[Warded to Lavender] My dearest, hottie Fiancee: Mum's been asking about our date. What are your thoughts? I didn't think the questions would come this quickly!!

Journal: to Tristan

[Warded to Tristan] The wedding planning has started. Pretty sure I'll be dead in a week between my Mum, Lavender's, and Cho. Must get away. Want to grab dinner at The Leaky sometime soon and save me from the womens?