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July 23rd, 2015



Journal - July 23, 2005 - Thursday

[Ward to Viktor, Montrose Players, and McLaggen]

So, I'm considering upgrading my Cleanswep 15 and/or just adding to the collection. Truth is -- I just want something new and shiny!

I've maxed out on how many personalizations I can add to most of my current brooms in terms of remaining pitch legal. Anyway, if you have any suggestions or preferences let me know.

Or, you know, just talk me out of it. Because frivelous purchasing is silly.


Happy thursday witches and wizards! May all your almost friday dreams come true!

- M. Jones

p.s. I do hope you all imagined a wee fairy sprinkling neverdust about when you read that.

p.p.s. So bloody bored

RP: Happy birthday to me

Who: Cormac & Lavender
What: Mac has Lavender over for a birthday dinner
Where: Monument Alley; Mac's flat
When: 23rd, July, evening
Rating: NSFW possible (knowing these two)

A simple meal and not so simple evening. )

Journal: This weekend

This month has been up and down for my social calendar. What's going on this coming weekend? Anyone want to join Franklin and I for drinks or dinner or something? I need to get back to things.



Owl: To Cormac McLaggen

The Owl carries a small box with a serving of Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake

Happy Birthday, Cormac!

You drive me crazy sometimes, but you're the best neighbour a girl could have and I'm glad you're in my life.
