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May 5th, 2015



Journal: Seeking assistance

[Warded to Adrian]

How quickly can you get me some maximum strength pain-relief potion?

[Warded to Dean, Bryn & Dominic]

I know it's short notice, but could any of you cover a shift? Like, now?



Assistance arrives

Who: Seamus, Dean, Dominic
What: Seamus is not feeling well...
Where: Finnigan's, Seamus's flat
When: Tuesday 5th May, Lunchtimeish?
Rating: SFW for now

So take a good look at my face, you'll see my smile looks out of place )



Fortune Tells

Each fortune is delivered by a black raven which accepts neither payment nor treats. The cards are delivered in uniform black elvelopes with silver writing; the recipient's full name on one side and the couplet on the reverse. The cards themselves are high quality materials, and appear hand-painted.

To Adrian Mitchell Pucey )

To Alicia Helen Fawley )

Astoria Juno Greengrass )

Bryn Steffan Cadwallader )

Susanna Bryony Capper )

Charles Trystan Weasley )

Cho Chang )

Cormac Neil McLaggen )

Dominic Chambers )

Emma Dobbs )

Finbar Dáithí Quigley )

Gwenog Marie Jones )

Lavender Marie Brown )

Lucy Olivia Spinks )

Luna Lovegood )

Melinda Bobbin )

Millicent Isolde Bulstrode )

Oliver Wendall Wood )

Romilda Anne Vane )

Rose Elena Zeller )

Seamus Corey Finnigan )

Theodore Nott )



Journal: Tarot

If anyone is looking for the enormous book on Tarot Interpretation that's been in the Corner every day since we opened, I've got it.

My card is the Nine of Swords which apparently means something lost or stolen, no time for a gamble. So I guess I won't be putting money on Ballycastle winning the league.

Who else got their fortune told on Saturday? I'm bored and curious, which is a pretty dangerous combination. Also willing to look stuff up if anyone else wants to know what their tarot cards supposedly mean.



[No Subject]

Owl to Charlie Weasley )



Journal: Question

[Heavily Warded to Theodore Nott]

What does it mean do I do if Potter someone a man thinks says I'm hot?



Journal -- Zacharias Smith

I'm fascinated by how my parents can turn a sombre occasion into a chance to try to nudge me toward "a very nice witch we think you'd get on with." I'm fascinated and appalled that said "very nice witch" tried to kiss me when the statue had been lit up. I don't want my fi It has to be some kind skill. I can't say I'm disappointed to not have inherited it.