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December 16th, 2014


Journal: To Marietta

[Warded to Marietta] -- How are you feeling, darling? Any better, I hope?

Journal: to Emma & Charlie

[Warded to Emma] -- Honey, what are your Christmas plans looking like? The Old Man and I were thinking of doing an easy pot luck type thing here at the flat sometime.

[Warded to Charlie] -- So if we want to do an easy pot luck dinner or something, I figure at the very least Emma and I can cook something and with your Mum's left overs it'll make for an easy night for you. What do you think?

Delivery: for Lavender (just because)

Owled to Lavender with the following note -- Just thinking of you today. Gryffindor roses, saw them in the shop window and thought of how lovely and fierce you are.



RP: Kiddie Birthday-Time

Who: Alicia and OPEN to anyone this is relevant for
What: It’s the twins’ 6th birthday
Where: Alicia’s house on Sheffield Terrace, London
When: Sunday, December 14 2004 [Backdated]
Rating: Most likely SFW – it’s a kiddie birthday




RPG: Rose, Dennis and OPEN

Who: Rose and Dennis and OPEN
What: It’s the first night of Hanukkah
Where: Rose and Dennis’ flat
When: December 16, 2004, just after sunset
Rating: Potentially NSFW - language

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Journal: Lavender Brown

Tonight's Duelling Club will be the last one of the year and we'll be back in session on January 6th, once we've all had a wee break. I'm planning on staying in the bar afterwards for a drink or two, so I hope people will join me! Also, I promise that I haven't forgotten about my plans for a slightly more formal tournament. Unfortunately, work keeps getting in the way, but I really want to make this happen in the new year.

Also, I happen to be in a very good mood because I just received the most gorgeous flowers, so please no one do anything stupid tonight!

RP: a very happy christmas indeed

Who: Mac & Lavender
What: Lavender comes to rescue Mac from work after Dueling Club
Where: Mac's flat
When: December 16, 2004, evening
Rating: NSFW (knowing these two - he's been missing her a lot!)

Mac had been glancing at the clock like a kid waiting for the school bell to ring. )



Journal: Melinda Bobbin

I hope all of you out there is enjoying Christmas. I know I am. Things are fairly busy this year with more people recognising the wonders of using amazing cakes for centrepieces, which makes for some interesting challenges for me.

That being said, this year’s yule logs are a hit. Just last week we’ve had two groups of customers in to learn how to make the almond pinecones and this week we’ve another planned for Thursday right after closing.

New Years is coming up very soon, so now’s the time to get any orders for New Year’s Eve in.

In other news; on January 1st, I will be taking over full ownership of Sweet Nothings. It was always the plan to have the shop be closed the first two weeks of January for renovations, but with these new changes, Sweet Nothings will be closed for all of January, with a grand opening and revealing of a slightly new concept and a brand new menu. Those of you who have already ordered for special occasions in January, you can rest assured that they will still be done, and I will be taking in a few more orders, should the occasion rise, but it’ll be on a case by case basis.

[Private to Bryn]
As the shop will be closed for all of January rather than just the originally planned 2 weeks, I wanted to hear if you’d be interested in doing the hours you’re usually here on something else (like delivery or helping with the new menu)?

[Private to Cho, Marietta, and Roger]



[No Subject]

Who: Lavender Brown, open

What: Duelling club/drinks

Where: Finnigan's

When: Tuesday evening

Rating: SFW?

While writing a reminder that Duelling Club would be taking a two-week break over the festive period, Lavender had come over all nostalgic. )



RP: Raincheck

Who: Cho and Finbar
What: The raincheck
Where: Finnigan’s
When: December 16, 2004
Rating: SFW (if not I’ll change)

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Journal Entry | Theo #4

I hate hate this time of year, hate this stupid holiday

all the hooks in my head, all pulling in different directions, trying to pull me apart, pull me back

well I'm not going to! not going to, don't want to, no amount of it seeping into the floorboards is going to change that, not all these gouges in the walls, not all these trees in my head, not this time

HATE this time of year



Journal: Marietta Edgecombe

I'm finally feeling like a human again. Why is it that being sick makes you want to do nothing more than curl up in a ball and pray for death? It's times like this when I wish I still lived at home and had my mum there to bring me her special soup and whatever other magic she worked that always made everything all better.

I still have a horrible hacking cough that doesn't seem to want to leave. Do you have anything that will knock it out?