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October 25th, 2014



RP: Spa Day

Who: Dora and Chris

What: Their date

Where: Hardd Knut Spa

When: Saturday October 25

Rating: SFW for now at least

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Journal: Marietta Edgecombe

Do you have a black light? I had a client last night take me to a glow party and I got covered in invisible glowing paint. Need to make sure it's all gone before I head out tonight.

I think I shall begin my Christmas shopping today. I know it's still a bit away but one can never be too prepared. Anyone wishing for anything in particular this year?



[No Subject]

Who: Hannah and OPEN
What: Trying to forget a rough night
Where: Finnigan's
When: Saturday morning around 1:30 am
Rating: TBD

Tonight had been full of drama )

DMLE Shenanigans

Who: Any DMLE employee
What: Stealth training aka hide and seek
Where: DMLE training room (think something like the Room of Requirement mixed with the X-Men Danger Room)
When: Saturday, Oct 25, afternoon
Rating: SFW, but maybe language?

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