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October 17th, 2014


Harry & Roger & Quidditch

Who: Harry & Roger
What: Taking in the Quidditch
Where: Kenmare & Puddlemere game
When: Friday Oct 17
Rating: SFW probably?

Read more... )



Journal: Ron Weasley

Found it.



Dennis is annoying

Who: Draco and Dennis
What: Dennis is sticking his nose in
Where: Draco's new shop
When: Friday 17th, early afternoonish
Rating: SFW
something something dark side... )

Journal: to Ben, Bryn, and Romeo

[Warded to Ben, Bryn, and Romeo] -- Boys, I may have found our new home. I'm spello-taping a photo in here. It's in London. Six bedrooms, so we'd need at least two more roomies. Small kitchen, small commonroom, but nothing we can't work with.

What do you think?
~ Chris



Owl: To Draco

I noticed the shop is coming along well. I know you do your own potions work but I just wanted to offer up any extra hands you may need or any of my current back storage while things get going for you. I know it's been a while since we've been in touch, but the apothecary is looking quite nice and I thought now was as good a time as any to get reconnected.

I've in particular been doing quite a bit of work for St. Mungos, if you're in need of any of their usual stores for your shelves.

Looking forward to speaking,

[No Subject]

Who: Ernie and Lucy
What: Educating Ernie on very important musicals
Where: Lucy's place
When: Thursday, October 16 (backdated), late evening/night
Status: Closed / Ongoing

And all that jazz... )

[No Subject]

What: Finnigan's Dance Club - a quick Salsa lesson and then everyone par-tay!
Where: Finnigan's - The Roost
When: Friday, October 17 - 9pm - 2am
Status: OPEN / Ongoing

Shake shake shake, shake shake shake, shake your booty... )