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September 15th, 2014



First Day at Work

Who: Greg and Harry. Still open to others later in the day!
What: His first day working at WWW
Where: WWW, Diagon Alley
When: Before lunch
Rating: NSFW - Grumpy Goyle's internal monologue is a bit sweary.

Trying to trip me up, trying to wear me down )



RP: Sad Cub

Who: Rose, Dennis and Rolf
What: Comforting a sad cub
Where: Their flat
When: Sunday 14. September, after this
Rating: NSFW - Language

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Journal: Alicia Spinnet

Nothing as refreshing as a morning jog from Kensington to Monument Alley, especially with the soaking rain, but that just made the day even better.

How is everyone else out there enjoying the rain?

[Private to Adrian]
I think you left something important at my house. Stop by my office to pick it up when you have a break?

[Private to Oliver]
He makes me smile like Melinda makes you smile.

[Private to Richard]
I heard a little birdie tweeting that you were in town this weekend. Is that still true and if so: lunch sometime this week?

[Private to Susan]
You were right.

Journal: How is it already Monday?

[Warded to everyone from Ben's birthday celebrations] -- How is it Monday? HOW am I still feeling so exhausted? I blame you all.

[Warded to Melinda] -- Thanks for letting me take over a corner of the shop today, I got a lot done. Can't believe we're packing it all up today! Think you and Mari will be around to help us move it? I'm waiting to tell her till I've signed the lease, but wanted to double check you can get away from the shop for a few hours. Maybe next Wednesday?




I've been thinking for a while about organising some kind of casual quidditch game and the rain today reminded me I ought to do it sooner rather than later. I don't know where we could get together to play, but we ought to be able to find some space. Would anyone be interested?

No reason it really needs to be seven vs seven. I wouldn't want to lose a snitch and have it be found by a muggle in three weeks time or anything so we may not need seekers. Six vs six at the most, and we could probably manage with four vs four as a minimum.

If you're interested, let me know below your availability and preferred position. I'll see what I can set up.

I meant to say - I'm afraid this is not for currently playing professionals. You're just too good and us puny mortals want a fighting chance! Also, I've got a note here of those already signed up.



Note delivered to Roger Davies via House Elf

(Note is delivered by Pansy's House Elf Nattie, and she won't leave without a reply.)

Dear Mr. Davies,

I've made reservations for us at Bella's on Wednesday at 2 o'clock. I've checked your practice schedule and it doesn't interfere. Nattie will wait for your response.

Pansy Parkinson



Journal Neville

[Private to Harry]

Okay so, last Sunday Gran had to cancel because her friend was sick and her niece was apparently the best prospect of the whole meeting, so it's been reported. To next Sunday.

I'm asking Luna, but how wise is it considering her father is sick?

Private to Luna

Hey Luna,

I was wondering
Would it be
please tell me if

Would you be available to come for tea on Sunday at our house? Gran is trying to plug me with relatives of her friends and I would really prefer to have a familiar friend around.

It's alright if you can't though, how's your father doing?



RP: Nothing but a smile

Who: Lavender Brown, Cormac McLaggen
What: Giving Cormac another reason to remember Lav's red lipstick
Where: Cormac's
When: 8pm on the dot
Rating: NSFW - Sexual activity

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RP: Dinner

Who: Susan and Marcus

What: Dinner

Where: Susan's House

When: Monday 15th of September, 8pm

Rating: NSFW for language, probably

Time for some dinner )