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September 16th, 2014



Journal: Richard Summerby

A few of you have caught on I'm back working out of the London office.

One thing I'd forgotten about the place is the seeming spontaneous generation of paperwork. Figured this was as good a place as any to put it out I'm looking for an office manager/head paperwork wrangler. Willing to train the right person. A good head for details is required, and multilingual a plus.

Occasional long hours, workaholic boss, good pay. Any takers?



Handyman, Handyman

Who: Dominic and Megan
What: Smartening up the dressing area
Where: Hot Crossed Buns
When: Tuesday, 7.15ish
Rating: SFW? I mean, they are discussing a lingerie shop so be cautious.

There's nothing more dangerous than a boy with charm )



More Reunions!

Who: Lucy and Ernie
What: A reunion!
Where: Finnigan's
When: After duelling club
Rating: SFW

I wake up lonely, there's an air of silence in the bedroom and all around )



At Finnigan's

WHO: Justin and Zacharias- Open should you want to have a piece of Justin.
WHEN: Tuesday, September 16th, in the afternoon
WHERE: Finnigan's
WHAT: A random encounter.
STATUS: Ongoing/open

Hmmm, hungry anyone? )

Journal: To Richard, re - office rental

[Warded to Richard] -- Rich, I read about a small office in Diagon that your family is putting out to rent, and was curious if you'd be willing to see Charming Parties in there? We're looking to get out of my flat and I plan on bringing on at least two new assistants within the new year. Does this sound like something you'd be interested in?

Many thanks,



RP: Getting Quotes

Who: Dennis and Zacharias, Open

What: Dennis fishing for unofficial opinions on a spate of attacks on Muggles in Lewisham.

Where: Ministry of Magic

When: Monday afternoon

Rating: SFW

The News Never Sleeps )