July 12th, 2010

[info]hecatesbrat in [info]ffviii_100

Presidential Issues

Title: Presidential Issues
Characters/Pairings: Reno, Rude, Seifer
Team: Balamb G
Rating: R - violence
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes:

"I can take whatever you throw at me." Word slurred by cracked and broken lips. Defiance shone in the green eye not closed by swelling.
"Hit 'em again. Cocky bastard." The redhead drawled around an unlit cigarette.
"..." The bald man seemed to almost hesitate for a second before winding up and clocking the blonde again.

Seifer's head swung back slowly and he sneered. "I told you once, I told you twice and I'll tell you again - I don't know where your 'President' is. We only had one - Deling and he got offed by the Sorceress. Never heard of ShinRa until now."

[info]hecatesbrat in [info]ffviii_100

Blonde for a Blonde

Title: Blonde for a Blonde
Characters/Pairings: Seifer/Cloud
Team: Balamb G
Rating: R - implied sex
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: >.> i blame it on Cloud's mouth.

Normally the saying went, an eye for an eye but a blonde for a blonde? Seifer wasn't complaining, not in the least.

When he first met Cloud, he would have pegged him for the sort that was quiet in all aspects of his life - sex included. Never thought he would've been a screamer. Zell, now he was quiet on the other hand - barely a noise when he came. For all the running at the mouth he normally did, Seifer originally thought he would have screamed until the walls fell down.

Seifer wasn't going to complain at the change of partners.

[info]hecatesbrat in [info]ffviii_100

Prompt #97

Balamb G pulled in 70 points for past prompts!

This week's word prompt: #97 - Plans

Plans. Everyone makes them - some people will plan things down to the second, others have more of a carefree attitude and take things as they come - forgoing all plans. Do plans sometimes fall apart in your hands only to have something far better come along or do the plans that fell apart just lead to more crap?

Or maybe someone plans a secret tryst, or a birthday party? Perhaps battle plans don't go the way they were suppose to and now it's fly by the seat of your pants time?

Also, we will totally disregard the fact that I had this all planned out and went to post and it got ate. So now, I'm trying to remember what I had in the first post and failing.

However the plans go, or whatever plans are made, share them with us but only in 100 words!

Suggestion Box

October 2015



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