June 28th, 2010

[info]hecatesbrat in [info]ffviii_100


Title: Matron
Characters/Pairings: Edea, Cid
Team: Esthar
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes:

They would talk late into the night, a fire crackling softly in the hearth while they sipped tea.

It would always be a discussion point between them; who would be the caregiver and who would be the one to dole out the punishment when they did wrong.

Edea swore that she could never mete out punishment to the children. She didn't have it in her. That changed when the Gardens started to be built and Cid was away for longer periods of time.

In order to discipline her children, she needed to distance herself. Instead of motherly, she became Matron.

[info]hecatesbrat in [info]ffviii_100


Title: Existence
Characters/Pairings: Ultimecia
Team: Esthar
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes:

It was a time within a time that was not a time. It was a space within a space that was not a space. It was everything and nothing at once. Stars winked and faded out of existence.

Time flowed towards her, through her, around her and away from her. She couldn't stop it, couldn't control it the way she wanted too.

"What is this?" She asked the void.
"It would be your punishment but you already put yourself into a time loop. This is the time of rest before you return."
"Time loop. Impossible. I kanno-"
"Fail? You have."

[info]hecatesbrat in [info]ffviii_100

Prompt #96

Esthar came in with 50 points and gets no punishment. Sadly the other Gardens will be subjected to... um, a tickle attack, by decree of Laguna. >.>

This week's word prompt: #96 - Past Prompts 5

It's that time again!
Maybe there was a prompt for which you didn't get a chance to write, or maybe you feel that there was one in which you could have written more, or maybe you just have a favorite prompt you just want to see again.

The past prompts are listed in the comm's tags or you can locate them through the comm's memories, tags, or the prompt table (scroll down) which is also on the profile!

Please place the prompt you are revisiting in your author's notes or you can add it yourself! This will help me with tagging and memories. Also, team competition is still on this week (they don't get the week off), so be sure to give your teams some love.

Have fun - but only in 100 words!

Suggestion Box

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