June 21st, 2010

[info]hecatesbrat in [info]ffviii_100

Witnessed / Magic / Ill Suited

Title: Witnessed
Characters/Pairings: Ellone, mention of Sorceresses
Team: Balamb G baby
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: Things need to stop making me think! I got bunnied by Gnome's Time drabble.

The shift of magic could be felt by all who had innate abilities. Those who used Blue Magic, those who were junctioned, those who were Sorceresses, could feel it. It strengthened their powers tenfold when another of Hyne's line died, when their powers were passed on to another.

Ellone often wondered how much stronger, how much more control she would have after the deaths of Ultimecia and Adel. When Rinoa gained powers, it was more than a shockwave through Ellone's body. Time long since past was something she could now see with amazing clarity - the birth of Adel was witnessed.

Title: Magic
Characters/Pairings: Zell, Ma Dincht
Team: Balamb G baby
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: A time before Gardens and Sorceress. Before Junctions and Exams. Young Zell sits with his Ma.

They'd sit on the dock listening to the lapping water against the wooden supports and stone walkways. They'd watch the sky fade from blue to dance its way through oranges and red before giving way to the rich darkness.

Slowly, one by one the stars would expose themselves. Pulse in the heavens and shine down upon upturned faces.

"Ma, how do the stars know when to shine and when to dance?"
"It's magic my boy. It's all part of the magic of life."
"Is life magic?"
"It is."

Zell smiled and watched a star fall through the sky. "Magic, Ma."

Title: Ill Suited
Characters/Pairings: Rinoa
Team: Balamb G baby
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: Her thoughts on her Sorceress powers.

I hate it. It makes me feel gross inside. And no matter what I do or how many showers I take, I still feel it. Feel the magic inside of me, swirling around like an Aero attack, touching everything.

I want it gone but I don't want to die. I try not to use it, not to think of it but it's there; in my eyes when I look into the mirror, the taste of the tainted magic on my tongue.

Someone said that the magic would change, suit the person it inhabits, but it hasn't. It's thick and vile.

[info]hecatesbrat in [info]ffviii_100

Prompt #95

Balamb Garden came in with 90 points! Comfortable with magic - I'd say so!

This week's word prompt: #95 - Punishment

It can be given and it can be taken. It can be done violently or with cold and cruel calculation. It can done as a learning tool - a mother to a child, or it can be something much more sinister, or even fun.

Does Quistis punish her slaves in a particular fashion? Has Nida ever received punishment for something? Growing up, did Cid ever mete out the punishment or was he too softhearted for it? Did Ultimecia punish Seifer for something trivial or hold back and punish him for everything in one go with no explanation? Did General Caraway always hate having to be the one to hand out discipline and punishment to Rinoa? If Laguna could, would he ever punish Squall for something, despite him being the Commander of Balamb Garden?

However it's handed out - in anger or love - give it up in 100 words.

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