June 17th, 2010

[info]hecatesbrat in [info]ffviii_100

Users / Silence

Title: Users
Characters/Pairings: Laguna
Team: Balamb G
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: Laguna wanted to do this as if he was being interviewed. Who am I to say no to such a man?

Thinking on magic; in the past i've used it - that makes me sound like some sort of junkie, but i'm not!

In the army, it was something we'd use only if we had too. We had to rely more on weapons and wit - I can hear Kiros already rolling his eyes at that comment and with him, you can hear the eyeroll.

Maybe it's just a generation gap or something geographical. Balamb seems to use magic heavily, Galbadia and for the most part Trabia don't use it. Esthar, despite being where the Sorceress wars happened, we shy away from it.

Title: Silence
Characters/Pairings: Ward
Team: Balamb G
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: Ward decided he wanted to speak up.

The doctors once told me that magic would have helped. That it would have lessened the severity of the scar. We didn't have magic that would've helped.

Had status magic, offensive stuff. Not healing.

I can't blame Laguna for it - I was in charge of healing supplies. I just didn't think to stock up on magic.

We exhausted our potions inside the Pandora. And the few cures we drew were used up just as fast.

The doctors, Odine even, said that if we had magic, I'd still have my vocal cords.

No one to blame but me on that one.

October 2015



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