March 1st, 2010

[info]hecatesbrat in [info]ffviii_100


Title: Warble
Characters/Pairings: Squall, Zell
Team: Balamb G
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: I so have wanted to do this to a phone.

He stood, sweaty, his gasps came labored. glancing up, Squall noticed he had company and licked his dry lips. A shrug and tired point to the broken, mangled phone as if to say, that broken hunk of plastic was an excuse.

"So, what happened, besides you having a silent tantrum?"

Squall gave Zell the finger and fell into his chair.

"Won't. Stop. Calling. Making. Demands."

Zell crossed his ankles and scratched his head. "Rinoa?"

Chocolate hair shook against the scar.


Squall near whimpered when the phone managed to warble a ring before he slammed his fist into it.


[info]hecatesbrat in [info]ffviii_100

Prompt #81

Balamb won with 10 points. Apparently the others were screening their calls. :P

This week's word prompt: #81 - Lies

To lie is to be deceived in one manner or another. We've all done it at one point in our lives for some reason - to hide the ugly truth from innocents, because we didn't really want to give our information to a creepy stalker or because you could and thought the other would be none the wiser...

Does Rinoa lie about her spending habits to Squall? Does Edea claim no recollection of memory from being under Ultimecia's powers but remember every little thing? Did Zell tell Ma Dincht a white lie about her birthday gift? Does Irvine come up with slippery tale about why he smells like someone else's cologne/perfume?

Through one's teeth with a silvered forked tongue, little white lies or maybe an epic amount of trickery, whatever it is, lay it on us in 100 words.

Suggestion Box

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