June 15th, 2009

[info]gackt_gratia in [info]ffviii_100

Her Mother / Her Daughter / Her Witch / Her Knight

Title: Her Mother
Prompt: Legacy
Characters/Pairings: Julia Heartily, Rinoa Heartily, Squall Leonhart implied
Team: Balamb Garden
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100 according to Word 2007
Author's Notes: I don't know of the time line and I don't even know if Julia is still alive...so you may consider this as AU.

Click here to read the mother... )

Title: Her Daughter
Prompt: Legacy
Characters/Pairings: Rinoa Heartily, Julia Heartily, Squall Leonhart implied
Team: Balamb Garden
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100 according to Word 2007
Author's Notes: Companion piece to the "Her Mother" piece

Click here to read the daughter... )

Title: Her Witch
Prompt: Legacy
Characters/Pairings: Ultimecia, Rinoa Heartily and Squall Leonhart implied
Team: Balamb Garden
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100 according to Word 2007
Author's Notes: Companion piece to "Her Daughter" and to all Rinoa lovers, be warned.

Click here to be-witched! )

Title: Her Knight
Prompt: Legacy
Characters/Pairings: Squall Leonhart and Laguna Loire, Raine Leonhart and Seifer Almasy implied
Team: Balamb Garden
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100 according to Word 2007
Author's Notes: Companion piece to "Her Witch" and amy be considered as AU since I don't know of Raine Leonhart as well...

Click here to read the Knight's vow. )

[info]hecatesbrat in [info]ffviii_100

Created and Forgotten

Title: Created and Forgotten
Characters: Hyne
Team: Balamb baby!
Rating: G
Word Count: 100.
Author's Notes: i really like my Hyne muse, when he's not being a dick.

Never in all his time did he think that something like this would happen. He was no god, but they, elevated him to such a status; then turned, cried and lamented his name when things went afoul.

He knew that he could help them, those created little ones below. But would they turn on him much like the others who beheld his legacy? Even if he did return now and claim his powers, they wouldn't believe that it was actually Hyne.

Perhaps during Hyne's creation from Sorcerer to Godhead, they forgot what he looked like and how he really was.

[info]hecatesbrat in [info]ffviii_100

Prompt #48

The past week has left us with many varied Legacies from Balamb G who came up with 70 points. Trabia and Galbadia both leave the world with no Legacies - but then, who can really beat a legacy of having their Garden blown up or being the HQ of the Sorceress?

This week's word prompt: #48 - Squall Leonhart

Squall Leonhart. There is much to be said about the anti-hero who doesn't speak much and wears far too many belts - enough to make a fangirl or boy come to their own sordid conclusions of why!

Can Squall really hack being Commander or is Xu really the one in charge? How does he feel about his father, the man who he stated as being a moron, now that he knows Laguna is President, or is he in disbelief? Is the love he feels for Rinoa real or just a really good spell?

Drabbles can be from Squall's point of view or just about him from afar, or he can make a cameo appearance, but they must include Squall Leonhart somewhere in just 100 words.

Since my shift for work has me coming home at 11pm at night, the deadline will be 11:59pm of the Monday. Everyone gets an extension of sorts! Yay!

October 2015



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