June 9th, 2009

[info]hecatesbrat in [info]ffviii_100


I'm getting seriously tired out from work, so you all get one more day to put up your drabbles or.. you know, write new ones too!

Once I get in about 12am central, i'll put the next word up and count up the drabbles done. ^_^

i love what i've been reading and i just want to say keep it up!!

[info]hamimi_fk in [info]ffviii_100

No More Cowboys / Goodbye Bodyguards / The Forest Owls / Surprising News / Fighting Words

Title: No More Cowboys
Prompt: Termination of Employment
Characters: Irvine Kinneas
Rating: PG
Team: Galbadia
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: AU-ish. I haven't actually passed FFVIII, so I don't really know the whole deal with Ultimecia, but this is my educated guess as to what happened. Irvine's injury is a work of my own mind.

His arm had been badly damaged in the fight with Ultimecia. Sure, they had won, but his arm was mangled beyond repair. No amount of Cure could reattach the many tendons and arteries. He'd never be able to hold the gun steady, his arm shook too much these days for that. Irvine was only thankful for not having lost the entire arm, but it was a shallow consolation. He would never be able to hold his gun the way he once had. The scars and trembling were a constant reminder.

With a heavy heart, he hung up his cowboy hat.


Title: Goodbye Bodyguards
Prompt: Termination of Employment
Characters: Seifer, Raijin, Fujin/Quistis
Rating: PG
Team: Galbadia
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: I've mentioned this before, but I'll repeat it to clear up confusion - I follow the belief that Fujin and Raijin are sister and brother (whether it's true or not).

"What's the meaning of this?" Seifer asked, reading through the papers the siblings had handed him.

"Our letters of resignation, ya know?" Raijin said, crossing his arms.

Seifer looked at them incredulous. "You can't just quit."

"Technically, they're doing you a common courtesy." Quistis said, entering the room. "It's not like you pay them for their work for you."

"What's this to you?"

"GIRLFRIEND." Fujin said as Quistis slipped an arm around her waist.

"Thus, this IS my concern. I dare you to argue with my girlfriend in my presence." The blonde woman challenged.

Exasperated, Seifer growled and looked away.


Title: The Forest Owls
Prompt: Termination of Employment
Characters: Rinoa, Zone, Watts
Rating: G
Team: Galbadia
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: GALBADIA! I HATH FAILED YOU! XD But dammit! At least I'm trying! o.O I'm surprised by how many ideas this prompt gives me.

The three long time activists and friends, looked at each other across the table. A heavy silence had fallen upon them after Rinoa's announcement. Marriage to Squall. The men had expected it, but they didn't feel any less hurt by the news.

Zone and Watts knew that they should be happy for Rinoa. But it was hard. This was their lives. Without the Forest Owls, they had nothing worth living for.

"I'm willing to hand the reins over to one you..." Rinoa finally said.

The men exchanged looks and shook their heads sadly.

"The Forest Owls are nothing without you."


Title: Surprising News
Prompt: Termination of Employment
Characters: Quistis/Selphie
Rating: PG
Team: Galbadia
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: There will be a sequel to this, when the right prompt comes up. >.> Let the cliffhanging commence!

Selphie tried to understand why her girlfriend was being so distant. The former instructor had quit her job willingly, though Selphie couldn't understand why. She hadn't seemed under stress and had been fairly happy until the last month of her job.

"Selphie, I have something to tell you." The blonde said, taking Selphie's hands tightly.

"What is it?" A wave of unease washed through the brunette.

"I'm pregnant." She whispered, teary.

Selphie's world crashed down around her. This was unreal. A bad joke. There was no way SHE had gotten Quistis pregnant.

"Who's the father?" But Quistis only looked away.


Title: Fighting Words
Prompt: Termination of Employment
Characters: Seifer/Zell
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 163
Author's Notes: There doesn't seem like a good way for me to cut this down to a 100 words and the very thought pains me, so I'm offering this up as a random bonus drabble. <.< Plus, I wanted to try out Seifer/Zell (never written them, nor have I even read any S/Z stuff, though I have doujin saved on my puter that I haven't read yet of them...), just to see what they were like. I deem them an interesting pairing...

I'm sure Seifer was enjoying this. Watching me shout and yell as he sat so coolly in his chair. His mouth curled into a smirk as his posture leaned nonchalantly back. I was ready to throw myself across the table and wring his neck when he spoke up.

"You can always quit." He said, faking a yawn.

"Screw you! That's what you wish I'd do!" I yelled, not realizing what I was saying.

"If you keep raising your voice to me, I'll have to shut it for you."

Seifer was standing now and I was in no mood to back down from a fight. "Yeah? Or what? You gonna have one of your thugs after me?"

I'm still not sure when or how he had moved so fast, but I was suddenly falling to the floor, his hand on my throat. I tried to yell at him, but his lips were pressed against mine and I hated to admit - they felt nice.

October 2015



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