May 26th, 2009

[info]hecatesbrat in [info]ffviii_100

Prompt #45

Galbadia Garden kept their shiny trophy locked up for all to see, winning with a simple 10 points. Depsite only having 10 points for a win, me thinks that there was some form of blackmail on the other Gardens. One day Balamb, one day Trabia, you'll win again!

This week's word prompt: #45 - Taboo

Taboo is described as something that is deemed by society as improper or unacceptable, such as words or actions. It could be an exclusion, a prohibited thing or even to ostracize. By some cultures it was to be "separated or set apart as sacred."

So, given this knowledge we already know that the Shumi village tried to show Squall that their hands were "sacred", but is there something more to that; an unspeaken taboo? Perhaps throughout time, to be a Sorceress's Knight meant that you'd be ostracized and become someone who was taboo, does Seifer perhaps hate that part of the Knight's history? What about a new Cadet wanting to challenge a higher ranking SeeD, is there some taboo about that? Do the Trepes have certain taboos in regards to Quistis and what happens if one is broken? Is it highly taboo for anyone to touch Squall's coffee or chocolate?

Let the ideas flow on what sort of taboos the world or a muse might have, but only in 100 words!

October 2015



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