April 27th, 2009

[info]hamimi_fk in [info]ffviii_100

When the Past Bites You in the Ass

Title: When the Past Bites You in the Ass
Characters: Selphie, Quistis, implied Quistis/Xu
Rating: G
Team: Galbadia
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: XD Just having some fun with Quistis. o_o I think I might turn this into a longer fic.

"No way!"

"Give it back, Selphie!" Quistis cried, lunging herself across the table.

Giggling, the younger girl leaped away from the table, dancing a safe distance away as she continued to look at the picture in her hands. In the photo, a younger Quistis was lip-locked with a younger Xu, at the beach. Selphie had been helping the blonde move some boxes into storage when the photo fell to the floor. The blonde was mortified.

"Selphie! I said to give it back!"

"Na-ah! You might burn it before I can use it to blackmail you with it." The brunette giggled.

[info]hecatesbrat in [info]ffviii_100

Prompt #41

Galbadia wins with 10 points! Maybe the other Gardens didn't show because of blackmail photos! In that case, Galbadia is naughty!

This week's word prompt: #41 - Weapons

Gunblades, fists, and whips! Oh my!

Weapons are a part of life for SeeDs and for some it might take a while to find that perfect fit. Of course, words are almost a better weapon than blades at times.

Is Quistis' tongue sharper than the crack of her whip and which do you think she might have honed first? Squall picks up the gunblade for the first time: does it click for him or does he struggle? Zell's mouth might have gotten him into trouble, thus forcing him to pick fists for weapons. Perhaps Laguna once wrote something biting and sharp but never sent it. Out of boredom has there been a SeeD or a Cadet who decided to use a pen or pencil as a weapon?

Whatever the choice of weapon, give it to us in 100 words!

October 2015



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