September 14th, 2008

[info]hecatesbrat in [info]ffviii_100

Ordinarily Boring / Worth the Chance?

Title: Ordinarily Boring
Characters: Seifer thinks on Rinoa
Team: Balamb G baby
Rating: pg i guess
Word Count: 100.
Series: na
Author's Notes: none

Looking back, I still don't know what I saw in her. There was nothing of common interest that we shared. We never held conversations that were deep and filled with meaning to either of us. Everything we said to each other was nothing but common small talk.
The silence we held wasn’t awkward; they were just there, ordinary and sort of boring.

It wasn't a want to get into her pants even though that she gave almost too willingly and I took reluctantly.

Rinoa was in one of those moments of being in the right place at the wrong time.

Title: Worth the Chance?
Characters: Laguna thinking about the Sorceresses
Team: Balamb G baby
Rating: pg
Word Count: 100.
Series: na
Author's Notes: nope. not here.

He sat looking through his journals of old, flipping the pages in a careless manner. Laguna wasn't looking for anything in those faded pages, just trying to ignore a thought that kept it's grip around his mind.

Adel, Ultimecia, and Rinoa... They're all Sorceresses and I know the first two caused nothing but trouble. Maybe we should just seal up Rinoa, just in case. I don't want a repeat of what happened years ago, but going into space was really cool.

Rinoa wasn't evil, but how many Sorceresses started good and ended up evil? Is it worth taking a chance?

October 2015



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