BtVS: Alternate Lives

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Posts Tagged: 'stephanie+whitmore'

Sep. 26th, 2009



Date Night

Who: Lilly OT Stephanie
When: Friday Night
Where: Eden (Where else?)

Dinner with Stephanie had been fun. Lilly had taken her to a place that was...middle of the road as far as expense was concerned. Good enough so that Lilly wasn't a cheapskate, but not so crazy that either of them would have to dress to the nines (who would wear the tux?) or blow a month's worth of money on one dinner. She had also thought to ask what food that Stephanie actually liked and chosen from that as well.

She then took her to Eden. A place they were both comfortable with. Lilly knew that she was enjoying herself. It was good to actually be out on a date, since it had been forever and a day since anyone had even caught Lilly's eye. Plus, she certainly wasn't going to complain about the company. She just hoped that Stephanie was having a good time.

Sep. 22nd, 2009


And on the eighth day, God created Fender Musical Instruments, Inc.

WHO: Lexi OT Stephanie
WHEN: Tuesday, 22 Sep 00
WHERE: Lexi and Ginny's apartment

Lexi drove the last bolt into place and turned the guitar over in her hands, looking down the length of the maple guitar neck. She hadn't done anything with the neck except clean it; she had left all the wear and tear in place. This is a guitar that had been played tens of thousands of times in bars all over the country; it would be a shame to strip all of that away. If she wanted a new guitar, she'd have bought a new guitar.

The body was unvarnished butterscotch-colored wood, the pickguard plain black.

"Not bad, not bad," she said with a grin, and she broke out a pair of XL-gauge strings and a pair of wirecutters to string it.



Interesting Proposition

Who: Lilly and Stephanie
When: Tuesday Night
Where: Eden

Read more... )

Sep. 17th, 2009


Waiting for the weekend

WHO: Lexi OT Steph
WHEN; Thursday evening
WHERE: Lexi and Ginny's apartment

Lexi had started working on the restoration for her Nocaster guitar. She'd unbolted the neck and started sanding the body, removing several layers of poorly-applied paint and gradually revealing the woodgrain beneath it. She was sitting at the desk near her music gear, which she had converted into a workbench, using a bit of coarse sandpaper to get into the cutaway.

"Still not sure what I'm going to do when I get it stripped down," she admitted to Stephanie. "Paint or just lacquer, or leave the wood bare ... Probably that, if the grain looks good. How's that Mockingbird treating you? No issues?"

Sep. 15th, 2009


Just Another Morning Before School. . .

Who: Gideon York OT: Any Regan Highschoolers
Where: Outside, school grounds
When: Tuesday morning

He sat at one of the picnic tables that served as the high school's outdoor lunch seating. Gideon York, one of Regan High's resident geeks was double checking all of his homework one more time before school started. Dressed in his signature short sleeve dress shirt, sweatervest, and tie, his thought soon wandered to it's usual topic (Lydia) and then bounced to a more recent topic of the band he had auditioned for.

Gideon was very nervous about the whole thing and full of hope. He hoped he got in, as playing guitar was a dream in his life that he never really thought would happen. But, from what he understood, there were several other candidates (all with more experience than him) who were being considered along with him. The geek heaved a sigh, staring down at his algebra homework.

Sep. 10th, 2009



The Grand Finale

Who: All involved in the W&H battle
Where: The alley behind The Sugar Shack, then Salacia
When: Wednesday morning, just before dawn

This was it. The more Rupert Giles thought about it... the more he feared that Ash's joke was actually RIGHT. He felt like he was leading his troops to The Alamo. He'd arrived first, followed closely by Ash, who he had open the portal to Salacia. They were all about to go into battle against the forces of Wolfram & Hart. Now... as he watched everyone arriving... he knew it was time. Do or die.

"Well... are we all ready? As much as it pains me to say it... it's time. I want each one of you to look inside... and realize why you're doing this."

He looked around at the gathering troops.

"For some of us... it's revenge. For others, it's the desire to protect innocents. Regardless of your reason.. you need to focus on that. Because once we get there... it's going to get hectic, incredibly fast. We know we're going to be outnumbered... but how badly will depend on Ami's team and how quickly they can bring down the door separating the inter-dimensional bridge from the main arena."

"To all of you... thank you. And please... be safe."

And with that... Giles walked into the portal, knowing the others would soon follow.

Sep. 3rd, 2009


The carnage of high school

Who: Kat OT All
Where: Chloe's Sugar Shack
When: Thursday afternoon

What kind of evil could possibly possess anyone to hand out homework the first week of classes? It was sick and dirty and wrong and Kat was sitting in a booth at the Sugar Shack, books spread out before her, looking more than a little lost. If she applied herself, she could probably have been a bright girl. No, scratch that. She was a bright girl, but the areas in which she applied herself were somewhat less noble than the pursuit of higher education. She tapped her pencil against her notebook, thoroughly tired of staring at her Geometry book, even though she'd only finished the first two problems. And that had only taken her thirty minutes.

There were some other kids from Reagan High hanging out and though she recognized a few faces, she didn't go out of her way to be social. Chewing on the end of her thumb nail, she had to mentally kick herself to stop doing that and she reached over to break off a piece of the oversized chocolate chip cookie she'd bought. Not only did she have Geometry homework, but she also had English and History. It was like the trifecta of suckage and if she managed to get it all done, she might just be proud of herself. But…she wasn't banking on it.

Aug. 30th, 2009




Who: Lilly and Stephanie
Where: Eden
When: Saturday Night

Read more... )

Aug. 23rd, 2009


I can't die, I'm not twenty-seven

WHO: Lexi OT Stephanie
WHEN: Sunday evening
WHERE: Lexi's apartment

Lexi had called Stephanie as soon as she's heard to good news.

"Come on over," she'd told the younger guitarist, "we'll celebrate, have some ice cream, play some music. What do you say?"

In preparation, she checked the tuning on several guitars, made sure everything was grounded and wouldn't incinerate anybody, took out a couple pints of Ben and Jerry's and settled in the dining area to wait, only skimming the top of one of the pints with her spoon.

She really had been less bothered by Stephanie's revelation the other night than she had by the fact that she'd been so distracted by their conversation that the vamp had been able to creep up behind her the way he had. If there had been any doubt in her mind that she wanted to spend time around Stephanie, that incident alone had erased any doubts.

Stephanie was not a monster, but she wasn't afraid of them, and she could handle them. It would be good to have more people like that in her life, because just lately, there seemed to be a lot of monsters about ...

Aug. 21st, 2009



The Good News

Who: Lilly and Stephanie
Where: Lilly's Apartment
When: Late Friday Night

Lilly did NOT want to go out tonight. Well, now that Paige was on the loose, she didn't want to go out any night. So, when Ginny called her to deliver the good news to their new guitarist, she called Stephanie and asked her to meet her at her home instead. Her place was protected, even though storage sheds had more room in them than her place. Still, she had never cared about it being a small studio apartment. It suited her needs by being cheap and having enough space for her stuff. She even had a corner for her drum set, and, luckily, the place next door had no one living in it, so she could actually practice without disturbing a neighbor.

Still, being here felt odd knowing that Paige, well, undead-Paige, had been here. It scared the hell out of her, to be honest. While she didn't know for sure that Stephanie was actually a dhampir, she didn't figure that the girl would have a reason to lie. Besides, having a body guard was so not a bad thing right now.

The Show Goes On

WHEN: Friday night
WHERE: Chloe's Sugar Shack
WHO: Lexi Wilson, OT all

Lexi settled in a chair near the center of the small stage at the rear of the Sugar Shack and experimentally ran through a scale at the fifth fret of her natural-wood Thinline Telecaster. She reached down to her 15-watt Champ (didn't need anything bigger for this space) and tweaked the Gain knob slightly. She played another scale, low to high, soft to loud, and every note seemed to gather an additional layer of distortion as the volume increased.

"Perfect," Lexi said, and turned on her microphone.

"Hi," she said, "I'm Lexi Wilson. Welcome to Chloe's Sugar Shack."

Man in the Box Unplugged - Aisthas Kiss

Aug. 19th, 2009



Hazards of the Job

Who: Lilly OT Anyone
Where: Chloe's Sugar Shack
When: Tuesday Afternoon

Lilly was so thankful that her friends had finally found a way to get her apartment back to its normal state, that is, not having the invite of a homicidal vampire over it. When she had went back this morning, the place was a bit trashed, which Lilly wasn't too shocked to find. Paige had probably vented her frustration or general anger or whatever on it after she had taken off. She had spent the morning cleaning everything up, including the now completely trashed pictures of her and Paige. Not like she really could have kept them up anyway, but she would have rather of at least been able to keep them. She couldn't in their current state, though.

After cleaning everything up, she had to go out and replace, well, most of everything in her apartment. She had actually broken down and called her parents, saying that she had been robbed and asking if she could borrow some money. They had asked her if she wanted them to come down, but that got a big, fat veto right there. She just felt lucky that Paige didn't know where her parents lived. She got the money, though.

Now, after getting everything replaced in her home and set up, she stopped by Chloe's Sugar Shack to get a much needed caffeine fix. Chloe herself wasn't in right now, for obvious reason, but it was still open and running, so she took that as a good sign. Strangely, she felt safer here than most other places. She just wasn't sure why.

Aug. 10th, 2009




Who: Ginny, open to Lexi, Irene, Lilly, and anyone wanting to audtion for Ginny's band.
Where: Eden
When: Early monday afternoon

Well... it had to happen sooner or later. Why not sooner? Ginny knew she needed to replace Paige, and the sooner she did it, the sooner she was sending out the message that she wasn't afraid of the girl, or her threats.

So, she called Lilly and Irene, and told them her plans: she wanted to have open auditions at Eden, with all three of them present. She also wanted Lexi there, to give HER opinion, as a respected guitarist herself.

She had some ideas for a new name (since Paige had come up with Coma White), ones she liked better. But she'd ask the girls about that later. For now? It was time to see who was interested in replacing their resident drama queen.

Jul. 24th, 2009



A more powerful combo than chocolate & peanut butter...

Who: Introducing Stephanie, open to all
Where: Avarice
When: Thursday night

Not many people run away TO Los Angeles to avoid the supernatural, but for once, that was the case. Stephanie Whitmore had run from her home in New York to get away from the people that had been chasing her. She'd temporarily changed her name and everything.

Then they found her, and she ran to fucking IOWA, of all places. And eventually, those damned lawyers located her again. So this time... she figured, why not hide right under their noses? So she kept her first name, took her mother's maiden name of Whitmore, and moved in with a couple of fairly powerful demons that owed her late father something of a lifedebt. So, for now? The 16 year old was free to restart her life.

Why was she so saught after, one might wonder?

Because Stephanie Whitmore was a rare wonder of the supernatural. Something that's only come to be once or twice a millenium, something that to her knowledge, she was the only current living example of. She was a Dhampir, a miracle offspring of a male vampire and a human female. She had all the strengths of a vampire, with none of their weaknesses. Of course, she also had plenty of HUMAN weaknesses, and seemed to (at least so far) age like a normal human. Apparently, Wolfram & Hart had big plans for someone so special and rare... and she had NO plans of helping them. But for tonight, she was letting go of her worries, just dancing her fears and anxieties away on the dancefloor of what she'd been told was the hottest rock club in all Los Angeles. So far... no complaints from her, although she could count the number of real clubs shed been in on LESS than one hand.

Still... at least for tonight? She felt like a normal, fun-loving teenager. And she was enjoying it.