BtVS: Alternate Lives

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July 6th, 2010


New Places, Old Faces

Who: Sam and Gwen
Where: Avarice
When: Tuesday, June 22nd


[No Subject]

Who: Jacob & CJ
Where: Avarice
When: Evening, June 30th (backdated)
Status: Complete
Rating: PG

Honesty: It's Refreshing )



New Friends

Who: Lilly and Rachelle
Where: Avarice
When: Saturday Night, July 3rd

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Dinner Date

Who: Skylar, Open to Ben, Haylee, and Sam
Where: Bale Estate
When: Thursday Night, July 1st

Skylar wasn't terribly sure why she had agreed to serve a dinner to Haylee James. She wasn't sure she liked the girl. However, until she actually hurt Sam in any way, she had no reason to be mean or evil to her just because of a simply dislike. So, she was going to be a gracious hostess and serve her dinner with a smile, and no poison, even!

Technically, they had a cook, along with plenty of other servants, but Skylar was still something of a traditionalist in some ways, laughably enough, so the cook did more 'helping' than cooking along, even with Skylar as pregnant as she was at the moment. Tonight the cook, an older man by the name of Mr. Alan Yates, to be exact, was a great help in preparing the three course meal for her brother and his girlfriend. "I'm not sure why you insist upon doing most of my job, Mrs. Bale," Alan joked to her as they finished up. "You could have been resting up and letting me do all of this."

"I like to cook, Alan," she told him. "And I told you, it's just Skylar."



This has no chance of NOT ending in hilarity. And we KNOW this.

Who: Pat, Patience, and Paige
Where: The McConnell house
When: Tuesday night
What: Patience pops. Finally.

"Babe? You're sure you're ok with Juliet staying here just long enough for her to get a place?"

Pat yelled into the kitchen, having been sitting on the sofa watching... the Super Mario Brothers movie. Call it a morbid curiosity. He knew he had enough money now that, if worse came to worse, he could help his sister find a small place or something. He just knew that the two women had barely had a chance to be introduced yet, due to his sister doing... god only knew what, and Patience being insistant on still working.

"God DAMN... Dennis Hopper must have been REALLY high when he agreed to this..."

Nightmares and Revelations

Who: Sam and Haylee, with a guest appearance by Abaddon
Where: Haylee's Hotel Room
When: Saturday Night, June 26th



Sometimes You Just Gotta Grow the Fuck Up

Who: Mere and Brayden
Where: Avarice
When: Tuesday, July 6th, Evening

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Maybe a Change of Direction?

Who: Tara and Ash
Where: Ash's Place
When: Monday Afternoon, July 5th

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Camille's One Week Job

Who: Ash K. and Camille
Where: A Diner in LA, then a Park
When: Backdated to June 15th

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