BtVS: Alternate Lives

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March 26th, 2009


Hanging Out & Stuff

Who: Gideon York OT: Lydia and Derek
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: Joe's Diner
NOTES: Kellie, this scene takes place before the one in the park. Also, anyone can read the journal entry Gideon is writing here: [info]spasticgeek.

He had some free time after school that afternoon and had invited Lydia and Derek during lunch to hang out at Joe's Diner when school let out. Since they all had different last classes of the day, the geeky boy had suggested they meet up at the diner when they could. Gideon made his way to the diner after getting a few things from his locker and decided to work on some homework until his friends arrived.

But he was distracted. Gideon's thought kept straying to Lydia; She'd been wearing another cute outfit that day that consisted of some kind of hoodie and skirt. With a noise of frustration, he pushed aside the history homework Mr. Grimm had assigned and looked around the diner a moment before pulling out his journal. It was a small moleskin, supposedly the same kind that infamous people such as Delacroix, Le Corbusier, and Picasso used but Gideon didn't really care about that. As long as it had a hardcover and small enough to tote around, the boy used it.

Opening to a fresh page, Gideon wrote at the top in big letters:


With a sigh that accompanied the habitual gesture Gideon did with his hair, he continued writing. He wrote about the outfit Lydia had been wearing and how adorable she'd been in it, which lead to how much of an idiot Gideon was in having feelings for someone who was unobtainable to him. Sometimes, he wrote, it's scary how much I feel about her. Given his social awkwardness he often wondered if, Am I obsessed or am I in love? He underlined this last sentence in his journal and with a sigh, re-read it several times.



Scene Idea-CLOSED!!!

In other game I once played in, people would enter their characters into a scene lottery and the mod would give each character entered a number, and match them up with different and random characters. Would any of you be interested in doing that?

Characters Entered:
Gideon York
Molly Carter
Baily Bale
Jack Delany
Meredith Delany
Buffy Summers
Andrew Wells
Charles Gunn
Lindsey McDonald
Catherine Baclanova
Bretton Bale
Ben Bale
Pat McConnell
Derek Crawford
Brandon Bale
Chloe Van Warren
Lydia James
Candi Harrington
Sin Stone
Natasha Williams
Chastity Daniels
CJ Swinton



Suicide Messiah's Last Show

Who: Skylar open to anyone in Avarice at the moment
When: Friday Night
Where: Avarice
What: Skylar's last show until after she delivers the baby

"Thank you and goodnight!" Skylar shouted into the microphone at the crowd. Lots of cheering and nice things went on. She knew that she was going to miss this for a while. Of course, she was pretty sure that, if she wasn't pregnant, she'd beat the ever loving hell out of her lead guitarist at the moment. While Lexi was still decent enough to more than get by for the evening, Skylar was positive that the girl was coked out of her mind again. While Skylar didn't care what she did on her own personal time, on stage, she was supposed to be clean.

Hopefully, while they were on hiatus, Lexi would get her act cleaned up. Meegs had already informed all of them that this would be her last show with them, because she had gotten an offer from a band that she used to play with and wanted to rejoin them. While the girl was nice enough, and a hell of a bass player, she just never was quite the right fit. So, part of the hiatus was going to be spent finding a new bass player.

And maybe a new guitarist as well.

Once the cheering was done, Skylar and the others stepped off the stage. Meegs went off to her date for the night while Lexi disappeared off into the great blue yonder, planning to do who knows what. Skylar wasn't going to worry herself with it for right now. Instead, she was going to just get herself a soda and try to relax.



So...Two Hot Chicks Are Sitting in a Bar

Who: Chloe and Faith
Where: Eden
When: Thursday Night

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